Document Type


Executive Sponsor(s)

Lyn Faller

Publication Date

Summer 6-28-2024


MaineHealth - Pen Bay, Adult and Pediatric Ambulatory Care


Problem: Patients do not consistently know how to prepare, use and/or clean their inhalers effectively.

Impact: When patients do not consistently know how to prepare, use and/or clean their inhalers effectively they are in fact, not receiving the benefit from their prescribed medication.

They experience poor patient outcomes and overall poor patient experience.

  • Increased calls to provider offices for unresolved, worsening symptoms and/or complications. (Thrush, hoarseness, cardiac symptoms etc.)
  • Increased same day office visits.
  • Patient crowding in Urgent Care and/or Emergency Department.
  • Hospital Admissions.
  • Increase in emotional and financial stress from missing school and/or work.
  • Increase in referrals to specialists like Speech Therapy, ENT, Allergists, Pulmonologists and Cardiologists.
  • Increase in time between referral to specialist and availability of appointment with specialist.
  • Patient decrease in confidence in their treatment plan.



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