The Rise of Endovascular Repair for Abdominal, Thoracoabdominal, and Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms
BACKGROUND: Given changes in intervention guidelines and the growing popularity of endovascular treatment for aortic aneurysms, we examined the trends in admissions and repairs of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA), thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms (TAAA), and thoracic aortic aneurysms (TAA). METHODS: We identified all patients admitted with ruptured aortic aneurysms and intact aortic aneurysms repaired in the Nationwide Inpatient Sample (NIS) between 2004-2019. We then examined the utilization of open, endovascular, and complex endovascular repair (OAR,EVAR,cEVAR) for each aortic aneurysm location (AAA,TAAA,TAA), alongside their resulting in-hospital mortality, over time. cEVAR included branched, fenestrated, and physician modified endograft. RESULTS: 715,570 patients were identified with AAA (87% Intact-Repairs, 13% Rupture-Admissions). Both intact AAA repairs and ruptured AAA admissions decreased significantly between 2004 and 2019 (intact 41,060-34,215,p<.01; ruptured 7,175-4,625,p=.02). Out of all AAA repairs done in a given year, the use of EVAR increased (2004-2019: intact 45%-66%,p<.01; ruptured 10%-55%,p<.01) as well as cEVAR (2010-2019: intact 0%-23%,p<.01; ruptured 0%-14%,p<.01). Mortality after EVAR of intact AAAs decreased significantly by 29% (2004-2019, 0.73%-0.52%,p<.01) while mortality after OAR increased significantly by 16% (2004-2019, 4.4%-5.1%,p<.01). In the study, 27,443 patients were identified with TAAA (80% Intact, 20% Ruptured). In the same period, intact TAAA repairs trended upwards (2004-2019 1,435-1,640,p=.055) and cEVAR became the most common approach (2004-2019, 3.8%-72%,p=.055). 141,651 patients were identified with ascending, arch, or descending TAA (90% Intact, 10% Ruptured). Intact TAA repairs increased significantly (2004-2019 4,380-10,855,p<.01). From 2017-2019, the mortality after OAR of descending TAAs increased and mortality after TEVAR decreased (2017-2019: OAR 1.6%-3.1%; TEVAR 5.2%-3.8%). CONCLUSION: Both intact AAA repairs and ruptured AAA admissions significantly decreased between 2004 and 2019. The use of endovascular techniques for the repair of all aortic aneurysm locations, both intact and ruptured, increased over the past two decades. Most recently in 2019, 89% of intact AAAs repairs, infrarenal through suprarenal, were endovascular (EVAR or cEVAR, respectively). cEVAR alone has risen to 23% of intact AAA repairs in 2019, from 0% a decade earlier. In this period of innovation, with many new options to repair aortic aneurysms while maintaining arterial branches, endovascular repair is now used for the majority of all intact aortic aneurysm repairs. Long-term data are needed to evaluate the durability of these procedures.