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Why this matters?
Interventions like HeartHealth—that focus on self-care of heart disease risk factors and that are driven by collaboration with the community of interest—are effective in medically underserved, socioeconomically distressed rural areas.
Publication Date
Heart Disease, Risk Factors, Rural Health, Lifestyle Changes, Heart Health, Research
Cardiovascular Diseases | Community Health and Preventive Medicine | Public Health Education and Promotion
Recommended Citation
REACH Dissemination Committee, Maine, USA, "Does a Program that Focuses on Lifestyle Changes Reduce Heart Disease Risk Factors in a Rural Community?" (2023). REACH: Research Evidence-to-Action for Community Health. 6.

Included in
Cardiovascular Diseases Commons, Community Health and Preventive Medicine Commons, Public Health Education and Promotion Commons
This research summary is provided by the REACH Dissemination Committee based on a full study created by others.
Project Collaborators include key personnel and advisory panel members that represent the three largest health systems in Maine, The Maine Department of Health and Human Services, Maine Council on Aging, Community Care Partnership of Maine, and Maine Area Health Education Center.
This program has been funded in part by the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI).
Please visit: Does a Program that Focuses on Lifestyle Changes Reduce Heart Disease Risk Factors in a Rural Community? | PCORI for the full study.
Moser DK, Feltner F, Biddle MJ, et al. (2019). Does a Program that Focuses on Lifestyle Changes Reduce Heart Disease Risk Factors in a Rural Community in Appalachian Kentucky? Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI). https://doi.org/10.25302/4.2019.CER.850