
Submissions from 2024


Variation in Demographics, Hospital, and Patient-Reported Outcomes following Total Hip Arthroplasty According to Biological Sex, Catherine M. Call, Andrew D. Lachance, Thomas Zink, Henry Stoddard, George Babikian, Adam Rana, and Brian J. McGrory


The pathoanatomy of medial ligamentous disruption in the dislocated and multiple ligament injured knee, Nancy Park, Jay Moran, Logan Petit, Joseph Kahan, William McLaughlin, Peter Joo, Michael Lee, Joshua Green, Kinjal Vasavada, Isabel Chalem, Peter Jokl, Michael J. Alaia, and Michael J. Medvecky

Submissions from 2022


Relationship of Subtalar Joint Range of Motion to Ankle Injuries in NBA G League and Collegiate Basketball Players, Sarav S. Shah, Andrew Ames, Sundeep S. Saini, Sonia Lee, Lambert Li, Courtney Brothers, Tyler Austin, Timothy Bonacum, Michael Metcalfe, Paul Weitzel, Brian McKeon, and Heather Gillespie

Submissions from 2020


A Question of Who and Why: Platelet Rich Plasma Utilization in a Primary Care Sports Medicine Practice, Douglas DiCola, William Dexter, Amy Haskins, and Christina Holt


Evaluation of factors influencing surgical treatment costs for distal biceps rupture., Ross Feller, Damian Illing, Chelsea Allen, Angela Presson, Andrew Tyser, and Nikolas Kazmers

Rates of Immediate postpartum LARC placement at MMC, Christina Holt, Amy Haskins, Valerie Smith, and Kohar Der Simonian

Measles Titers in Long-Term Childhood Cancer Survivors, S. Ashley Speckhart

Submissions from 2019


Early Single Sport Specialization in a High-Achieving US Athlete Population: Comparing National Collegiate Athletic Association Student-Athletes and Undergraduate Students., John P DiFiori, Celeste Quitiquit, Aaron Gray, Edward J Kimlin, and Ryan Baker


Abdominal Pain After a Football Game., Heidi M Goddard, Casey Z MacVane, and Tania D Strout

Submissions from 2017


Patient-reported outcome metrics in total joint arthroplasty., Adam Rana and Shaleen Vira


Near-normal shoulder function 10 years after complete acromionectomy: a case report, Jeffrey F. Rasmussen, David W Wing, and Mark E Steiner

Submissions from 2016


Prognosis driven rehabilitation after rotator cuff repair surgery., Dirk Kokmeyer, Eric Dube, and Peter J Millett


Surgical management of osteoarthritis of the knee: evidence-based guideline., Brian J J. McGrory, Kristy L Weber, David S Jevsevar, and Kaitlyn Sevarino


AMSSM Scientific Statement Concerning Viscosupplementation Injections for Knee Osteoarthritis: Importance for Individual Patient Outcomes., Thomas H Trojian, Andrew L Concoff, Susan M Joy, John R Hatzenbuehler, Whitney J Saulsberry, and Craig I Coleman


AMSSM scientific statement concerning viscosupplementation injections for knee osteoarthritis: importance for individual patient outcomes., Thomas H Trojian, Andrew L Concoff, Susan M Joy, John R Hatzenbuehler, Whitney J Saulsberry, and Craig I Coleman


AAOS Clinical Practice Guideline: Surgical Management of Osteoarthritis of the Knee: evidence-based guideline., Kristy L Weber, David S Jevsevar, and Brian J. McGrory

Submissions from 2015


General consideration in the history, physical examination, and safety determination., Jonathan Buchanan, William Dexter, Amy Powell, and Justin Wright


General Consideration in the History, Physical Examination, and Safety Determination., Jonathan Buchanan, William Dexter, Amy Powell, and Justin Wright


American Medical Society for Sports Medicine (AMSSM) position statement: interventional musculoskeletal ultrasound in sports medicine., Jonathan T Finnoff, Mederic M Hall, Erik Adams, David Berkoff, Andrew L Concoff, William Dexter, and Jay Smith


American Medical Society for Sports Medicine (AMSSM) position statement: interventional musculoskeletal ultrasound in sports medicine., Jonathan T Finnoff, Mederic M Hall, Erik Adams, David Berkoff, Andrew L Concoff, William Dexter, and Jay Smith


Tolerability and efficacy of 3 approaches to intra-articular corticosteroid injections of the knee for osteoarthritis: a randomized controlled trial., Bradford S Wagner, Allyson S Howe, William W Dexter, John R Hatzenbuehler, Christina Holt, Amy E Haskins, and F Lee Lucas

Submissions from 2013


Risk modifiers for concussion and prolonged recovery., Kristen A Scopaz and John R Hatzenbuehler

Submissions from 2012


Cold weather issues in sideline and event management., J Andrew McMahon and Allyson Howe

Submissions from 2011


Congenital heart disease., Katherine Dolbec and Nathan W Mick


Diagnosis and management of osteomyelitis., John Hatzenbuehler and Thomas J Pulling

Submissions from 2010


Injury trends and prevention in rugby union football., Amy E MacQueen and William W Dexter

Submissions from 2008


Misrepresentation of research citations by applicants to a primary care sports medicine fellowship program in the United States., James L Glazer, John R Hatzenbuehler, William W Dexter, and Celine B Kuhn