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Mid Coast-Parkview Health; Nursing


As the COVID-19 pandemic stretches on, the importance of resilience is increasing as it protects against PTSD while aiding an individual in selecting healthy coping strategies. In a study of 657 healthcare workers in New York City in April 2020, more than half of healthcare workers screened positive for acute stress (PTSD symptoms), almost half screened positive for depression, and one third screened positive for anxiety; many also reported symptoms of insomnia (Schecter et al., 2020).

Resilience is important in nursing because it ensures a viable, healthy workforce for the future. Resilience has been described as the ability to ‘bounce back’ or effectively cope with adversity. The literature shows that resilience has been studied only related to chronic problems such as staffing issues, however, until this year; it has not been studied in the context of pandemics.

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Nursing Commons



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