Making the move: from bedside to camera-side

Document Type


Publication Date



Nursing; Critical Care Medicine

Journal Title

Critical care nurse

MeSH Headings

Clinical Competence; Critical Care (methods, trends); Humans; Intensive Care Units; Nurse's Role; Nursing Evaluation Research; Nursing Methodology Research; Telemedicine


The tele-intensive care unit (tele-ICU) uses sophisticated telemedicine technology and a remote team of critical care experts, including nurses, to provide continuous monitoring, assessment, and interventional services to a large number of patients across multiple ICUs. This new practice environment offers experienced critical care nurses an opportunity for career and knowledge expansion while reducing some of the physical and emotional risks encountered at the bedside. The role of the tele-ICU is still evolving but focuses on 4 areas of responsibility: performing virtual rounds, managing patient alerts, providing ICU support, and coaching or providing teaching moments. The transition from the bedside into the tele-ICU role can be complex as tele-ICU nurses encounter ICU acceptance barriers and a lack of or a change in professional identity. A formal orientation program focused on competency is necessary for the successful transition from bedside nurse to tele-ICU nurse.

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