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Pen Bay Medical Center; Maine Behavioral Health

MeSH Headings

Electronic Health Records



Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) infection is a liver infection that typically begins as an acute infection and if left untreated, can become a chronic infection. One-time HCV testing is recommended by the CDC and United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) for asymptomatic individuals based on evaluated exposure or other circumstances that increase HCV exposure (HCV Guidance, 2018); (CDC, 2012). Patients with severe mental disorders, such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorders are particularly at risk for HCV infection with past studies finding approximately 6.2 - 29.8% of patients with severe mental disorders having comorbid HCV (Ayano et al., 2018) – up to 9 times higher than the general US population (Rifai, Gleason, & Sabouni, 2010). This study focuses on the effectiveness of an established universal HCV screening protocol utilizing the electronic medical record (EMR) “EPIC” in the Psychiatric and Addiction Recovery Center (PARC) at Pen Bay Medical Center (PBMC) for an at-risk population, evaluating the rate of screening, diagnosis, and follow-up care of HCV.


Lambrew Research Retreat

Acknowledgements: Special thanks to the Northern New England Clinical and Translational Research network NIH grant # U54GM115516 which supported this work.



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