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Nursing; Center for Performance Improvement

MeSH Headings

Accidental falls


Problem/Impact Statement:

Patients falls with injury remains an elusive problem at MMC. Over the past 8 quarter, (2016 and 2017) MMC has outperformed 3 of the last 8 Quarters of data. The average rate for the past 8 quarters is .57/1000 patient days with the mean benchmark of .54/per 1000 patient days. MH has determined a focus goal for all the MH hospitals to be below .70/MH 100 patient days as a goal for falls with injury. MMC having the largest volume must be below NDNQI mean to drive this change as the .70 is the average of all MH hospitals. A fall with injury costs on Average cost of a fall with injury is $14,000., more importantly the cost to the patient may be an increase in hospital stay, and increase in level of care. Injuries range from lacerations to fractures and head trauma and death. Approximately 50% of all falls incur an injury. Putting interventions in place to decrease total falls will decrease injuries at MMC.



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