Books from 2024
Environmentally Friendly Disposal of Pharmaceuticals in the Hospital Setting, Kate Sobanik
Nurse Mentorship and Retention, Alicia St Michel
The Challenge: No Harm Index Relay Race, Hannah Taylor and Kate Campbell
The Therapeutic Use of Intraoperative Music to Reduce Postoperative Pain in Patients Receiving General Anesthesia, Caroline Ford
Submissions from 2023
Code Blue: Back to Basics, Melissa N. Allen MSN, RN; Hannah Taylor MSN, RNC-MNN; and Jennifer Smith BSN, RN
How Important Are Regular Breaks for Bedside Nursing Staff?, Gabriel Wohl
Implementation of Frequent Skin Assessments, Tiffany Gagnon
Initiating Chlorhexidine Wipes for Infection Prevention in the ICU, Samantha Carey
Robotic vs. Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery, Chloe Aiken and Abigail Reera
Smoking Cessation Post-Discharge for Medical Surgical Patients, Jessica Francis and Julie Lavery
The Registered Nurse, Fall Prevention, and Mobilization Alarms, Anna Williams
Submissions from 2021
COVID Primary Care Remobilization Through Schedule Improvement and Care Team Optimization, Christine Cote, Catherine Boucher-Cornelio, and Jordan S. Peck
Submissions from 2020
COVID-19 and preeclampsia with severe features at 34-weeks gestation., John N Hansen, Jason Hine, and Tania D Strout
Modeling emergency department nursing workload in real time: An exploratory study., Edwin L Clopton and Eira Kristiina Hyrkäs
Submissions from 2019
Approach to the Diagnosis and Management of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage., Evie Marcolini and Jason Hine
Submissions from 2018
Complications of long and intermediate term venous catheters in cystic fibrosis patients: A multicenter study., Teresa L May, Alex H Gifford, Thomas Lahiri, Adam Black, Janet Trang, Alexandra G Cornell, Karyll Gonzalez, Scott Morin, Mark Napier, Christine W Duarte, and Jonathan B Zuckerman
Increase referrals to MedAccess at the SMHC Pharmacy, Sarah Jones and Kim Beaudoin
Submissions from 2017
An Unlikely Cause of Hypokalemia., Jason Hine, Ari Schwell, and Norah Kairys
Sa1389 Ercp Placed Short Biliary Self-Expanding Metal Stents (SSEMS) and Neoadjuvant Therapy of Borderline Pancreatic Cancer in 100 Patients...Digestive Disease Week (DDW) 2017 American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE) Program and Abstracts, Chicago, Illinois, 6–9 May 2017., John Walker, Tian Gao, Andreas Stefan, Daniil Rolshud, David A. Klibansky, Douglas A. Howell, Gina Z. Blaszyk, and Lisa A. Rutstein
Submissions from 2016
Guidewire Assisted Complete Endoscopic Division of a Windsock Duodenal Diverticulum: The Roping and Transecting Technique., John Walker, Matthew Warndorf, David Y. Lo, and Douglas A. Howell
Improving Technology Permits Accurate Diagnosis and Localization of Main Duct IPMN...2016 DDW (Digestive Disease Week) ASGE (American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy) Program and Abstracts 21 May 2016-24 May 2016, San Diego, California, Matthew Warndorf, John Walker, Gene Bakis, Andreas Stefan, and Douglas A. Howell
Tu1522 Endoscopic Tissue Diagnosis of Cholangiocarcinoma; Is Directed Biopsy Needed?...2016 DDW (Digestive Disease Week) ASGE (American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy) Program and Abstracts 21 May 2016-24 May 2016, San Diego, California, John Walker, Matthew Warndorf, Lisa Rutstein, Hagen Blaszyk, and Douglas A. Howell
Submissions from 2015
Mo1380 Early ERCP Placement of Short Self-Expanding Metal Biliary Stents (SSEMS) in Locally-Advanced Pancreatic Cancer With Biliary Obstruction Improves Success and Outcomes of Neoadjuvant Therapy., Suraj Gupta, John Walker, Hani Jarawan, Lewis B. Richards, David Klibanksy, Douglas A. Howell, Justin Wilkes, Gina Z. Blaszyk, and Lisa A. Rutstein
Su1622 Cannulation of Intradiverticular Papillae At ERCP: a Successful Stepwise Approach Using Advanced Techniques., Hani Jarawan, Suraj Gupta, John Walker, Joshua Penfield, and Douglas A. Howell
Tu1731 Safe Definitive Endoscopic Management of High-Risk Polypoid Lesions of the Foregut Using Combined Volume Reduction and the Loop and Leave Technique., John Walker, Suraj Gupta, Hani Jarawan, Joshua Penfield, David Klibansky, and Douglas A. Howell
Submissions from 2014
Resveratrol: Highlights of Relatively Recent Interest in an Old Chemical., Ted Wissink and Matt Stevens
Submissions from 2011
Getting a handle on specimen mislabeling., Jennifer Granata
Outcomes of 33 patients from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan undergoing bilateral or bicompartmental craniectomy., Robert D Ecker, Lisa P Mulligan, Michael Dirks, Randy S Bell, Meryl A Severson, Robin S Howard, and Rocco A Armonda
Submissions from 2010
Promotion of a down-modulated lung immune state may be a strategy by M. tuberculosis to foster active disease and persistence., John L Ho and Jose Roberto Lapa e Silva