Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 5-17-2024


Maine Medical Center, Oncology Services


Youth with chronic illnesses often have poorer health outcomes after transitioning to adult care. Maine Health Bleeding Disorders is a Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) grant funded Hemophilia Treatment Center (HTC) that serves patients with congenital bleeding disorders. We provide multidisciplinary specialty care throughout the lifespan which includes pediatric and adult hematologists, family nurse practitioners, nurses, physical therapists, social worker, dietitian, genetic counselor, and research coordinator. In 2022, HRSA mandated all federally funded HTCs increase by 25 percent from baseline the number of individuals ages 12 to 26 years seen in a comprehensive clinic that have a health care transition plan by 2027. Our HTC initiated a quality improvement project to design a documentation tool that captures and tracks the multidisciplinary education provided to prepare our youth for transition to adult specialty care. With this new tool we will have a purposeful and planned process of educating patients to competently manage their chronic conditions.



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