Submissions from 2025
Performance of transesophageal echocardiography probe at temperature monitoring during simulated hypothermia and rewarming, Madeline Larochelle, Margarita Popova, David Mackenzie, Andrew Fried, Peter Croft, and Joshua Rehberg
The Osmolal Gap: A Valuable Test for Identifying Toxic Alcohol-Induced Anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis, James D. Whitledge, Emily Guy, and Christopher James Watson
Submissions from 2024
Shift Scheduling and Overnight Work Among Pregnant Emergency Medicine Residents, Isha Agarwal and Casey Z. MacVane
A Perplexing Purple Rash, Jesse Butler, Sarah Hirner, Charlotte Crist, and Michelle Crispo
Assessment of sous vide water baths in the acute rewarming of frostbitten extremities: A multicenter study, Nicholas J. Daniel, Johndavid M. Storn, Nicholas E. Weinberg, William A. Galvin, Hillary R. Irons, Aaron N. Barksdale, Megan L. Rischall, Sean M. Bilodeau, Jasmine Y. Gale, Katherine G. Willet, Amalya Wilson, Kara Keiper, and Jessica Chevalier
Comparison of two modeling approaches for the identification of predictors of complications in children with cerebral palsy following spine surgery, Rachel L. Difazio, Tania D. Strout, Judith A. Vessey, Jay G. Berry, and Daniel G. Whitney
Adolescent Male With Sudden, Severe Onset Right Groin Pain, Michael Hofer, Carl A. Germann, Peter Croft, and Timothy Sweeney
Ultrasound-Guided Peripheral Intravenous Access Training: A Prospective Observational Study of Emergency Nurses., Hillary McKinley, Weeden Bauman, Erik Christensen, Peter Croft, David Mackenzie, Samantha Fillebrown, and Christina Wilson
Herpes Gladiatorum in College-Aged Wrestler, Joseph M. Minichiello, TImothy Fleming, Karen Olson, Brian Malley, and Lauren Wendell
Program Signaling in Emergency Medicine: The 2022-2023 Program Director Experience, Alexis E. Pelletier-Bui, Timothy Fallon, Liza Smith, and Tania Strout
Woman With Leg Pain, Matthew Peters, David C. Mackenzie, Christina N. Wilson, Peter E. Croft, Annie Huyler, and Margarita Popova
Racial differences in triage assessment at rural vs urban Maine emergency departments, Madeleine M. Puissant, Isha Agarwal, Elizabeth Scharnetzki, Anya Cutler, and Hadley Gunnell
Approach to Acute Dizziness/Vertigo in the Emergency Department: Selected Controversies Regarding Specialty Consultation, Madeleine M. Puissant, Susan Giampalmo, Charles R. Wira, Joshua N. Goldstein, and David E. Newman-Toker
RISE-EM: Resident Instruction in Social Emergency Medicine, a Cohort Study of a Novel Curriculum., Heidi Roche, Brandon A Knettel, Christine Knettel, Timothy S. Fallon, and Jessica Dunn
"I don't want to be the squeaky wheel": Addressing bias as a leader in emergency medicine, Ambuj Suri, David Yang, Wendy W. Sun, Mariame Fofana, Emily S. Binstadt, Paul Logan Weygandt, Joel L. Moll, and Tania D. Strout
Bezold abscess in a 4-year-old: an exceptionally rare complication of otitis media, Zachary Tillett and Robert Anderson
Submissions from 2023
Resident Attitudes Toward Performing Pelvic Examinations in the Emergency Department, Isha Agarwal, Deesha Sarma, Ryan C. Burke, Matthew Babineau, Scarlet Benson, Tania Strout, Leslie A. Bilello, and Leon D. Sanchez
A Case of Pediatric Rash, Elizabeth B. Albert, Nathan Mick, and Tania D. Strout
Man in Cardiac Arrest, Weeden Bauman, Christina Wilson, Erik Christensen, Hillary McKinley, Peter Croft, Hadley Gunnell, and Andrew Fried
Woman With Facial Swelling, Erik Christensen, Michelle Crispo, and Peter Croft
An Elderly Woman with the GáCS Sign, August Felix, Matthew Levasseur, Samir Haydar, and Jennifer Mabey
Evidence-Based Guidelines for Prehospital Airway Management: Methods and Resources Document, Christopher B. Gage, Jonathan R. Powell, Nicole Bosson, Remle Crowe, Kyle Guild, Matthew Yeung, Davis Maclean, and J Matthew Sholl
Timing and Outcomes After Coronary Angiography Following Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Without Signs of ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction, Andrew R. Helber, David R. Helfer, Aarika R. Ferko, Daniel D. Klein, Daniel Elchediak, Traci S. Deaner, Dustin Slagle, and William B. White
Disparities in Perinatal and Emergency Care Receipt Among Women With Perinatal Opioid Use Disorder in Medicaid, 2007 to 2012, Rachel K. Landis, Bradley D. Stein, Beth Ann Griffin, Brendan K. Saloner, Mishka Terplan, and Laura J. Faherty
A 9-Year-Old Boy With Fever and Cranial Swelling, Joseph M. Minichiello, Matthew T. Peters, and Rachel J. Williams
Mystery at the meatus, Ben Pare, Robert Link, Isaak Jones, and Samir Haydar
Utilization of the Fordham Risk Screening Tool for violence risk assessment in an emergency department, Christopher W. Racine, Douglas N. Johnston, Kerry M. Quigley, Tania D. Strout, Linda S. Durst, Ben J. Guido, and Lee A. Wolfrum
Male Adolescent With Syncope and Abnormal Chest X-Ray, Josh A. Swenson, Rebecca Bloch, and Peter Croft
Characterization of pediatric beta-adrenergic antagonist ingestions reported to the National Poison Data System from 2000-2020, C James Watson, Michael C. Monuteaux, and Michele M. Burns
Chronic Doxepin Toxicity Masquerading as Epilepsy in a 10-Year-Old Boy, James D. Whitledge, C James Watson, and Michele M. Burns
Submissions from 2022
"Going through the motions": A qualitative exploration of the impact of emergency medicine resident burnout on patient care, Arvin Radfar Akhavan, Tania D. Strout, Carl A. Germann, Sara W. Nelson, Joshua Jauregui, and Dave W. Lu
Boy With Wheezing, Weeden J. Bauman, Alexander R. Lange, Josh A. Swenson, Christina Wilson, and David C. Mackenzie
The research escape hunt: An escape room-scavenger hunt for resident education, Timothy S. Fallon, Carl A. Germann, Rob Anderson, and Tania D. Strout
A Sight For Sore Eyes, Cynthia Gaudet, Michelle Crispo, Xiangyu Wang, Michael Leslie, and Matthew Kerr
Recreational Dissociation Leading to Bloody Urination, Cynthia Gaudet, Joshua Swenson, Diana Biggs, and Michelle Crispo
Ultrasound-Guided Serratus Anterior Plane Block (SAPB) Improves Pain Control in Patients With Rib Fractures, Randy M. Kring, David C. Mackenzie, Christina N. Wilson, Joseph F. Rappold, and Tania D. Strout
Response: Training POCUS, David Mackenzie
Scheduling practices for pregnant emergency medicine residents, Casey Z. MacVane, Madeleine Puissant, Megan Fix, Tania D. Strout, Caitlin Bonney, Laura Welsh, Andrew Mittelman, Jana Ricker, and Isha Agarwal
Severity of traumatic adrenal injury does not meaningfully affect clinical outcomes, Jonathan Nguyen, Ndidi Ude, Nikolas Holloway, Yasmin Tootla, Krystal Archer-Arroyo, Joseph Novack, James Tran, Andrew Isaacson, and Mack Drake
Woman With Groin Pain, Carrie Anne Orlikowski, Sharon Siegel, and Christina Wilson
Woman With Chest Wall Bruising, Joshua Rehberg, John Nicholas Hansen, and David C. Mackenzie
Infant With Respiratory Distress, Joshua L. Rehberg, David C. Mackenzie, Page Mieritz, and Christina N. Wilson
Woman With Cardiac Arrest, Christina Wilson, David Mackenzie, Peter Croft, John Hansen, Joshua Rehberg, and Andrew Fried
Simulation-Based Outreach Program Improves Rural Hospitals' Team Confidence in Neonatal Resuscitation, Allison Zanno, Misty Melendi, Anya Cutler, Benjamin Stone, Micheline Chipman, Jeffrey Holmes, and Alexa Craig
Submissions from 2021
Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Speech Language Pathology in the Emergency Department: Specialty Consult Services to Enhance the Care of Older Adults, Elizabeth Pontius and Rob Anderson
Can hospital adult code-teams and individual members perform high-quality CPR? A multicenter simulation-based study incorporating an educational intervention with CPR feedback, Jesse M. Rideout, Edwin Ozawa, Darlene Bourgeois, Micheline Chipman, and Frank Overly
Management of Minor Traumatic Brain Injury in an ED Observation Unit, Matthew A. Wheatley, Shikha Kapil, Amanda Lewis, Jessica Walsh O'Sullivan, Joshua Armentrout, Tim P. Moran, Anwar Osborne, Brooks L. Moore, Bryan Morse, Peter Rhee, Faiz Ahmad, and Hany Atallah
Submissions from 2020
Man With Painful Erection., Christopher Allison, Christopher Hasslinger, and David Mackenzie
A 'good death' during COVID-19: Outdoor terminal extubation facilitates safe family presence for a dying patient., Michelle M Crispo, Tania D Strout, Lisa M Munzig, and Patricia A Lerwick
ACR Appropriateness Criteria® Placenta Accreta Spectrum Disorder., Expert Panel on Women’s Imaging, Liina Poder, Stefanie Weinstein, Katherine E Maturen, Vickie A Feldstein, David C Mackenzie, Edward R Oliver, Thomas D Shipp, Loretta M Strachowski, Betsy L Sussman, Eileen Y Wang, Therese M Weber, Bradford P Whitcomb, and Phyllis Glanc
Electrical cardioversion for atrial fibrillation in the emergency department: A large single-center experience., Andrew M Fried, Tania D Strout, and Andrew D Perron
Dysphagia After Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: A Case of Aspirated Dentures., Elizabeth J Hamilton, Casey MacVane, and Tania D Strout
Simulation – Based Testing of a New Helipad Using an Iterative Failure Mode and Effects Analysis Framework, Jeffrey A. Holmes, Shelly Chipman, Erin Graydon Baker, Olivia Morejon, Tracie Barbour, Justin Michaud, Michael Baumann, and Leah Mallory
Outpatient treatment of pulmonary embolism: A single center 4-year experience., Anne Huyler, Casey Z MacVane, Tania Strout, and Andrew D Perron
Delirium in Older Patients With COVID-19 Presenting to the Emergency Department., Maura Kennedy, Benjamin K I Helfand, Ray Yun Gou, Sarah L Gartaganis, Margaret Webb, J Michelle Moccia, Stacey N Bruursema, Belinda Dokic, Brigid McCulloch, Hope Ring, Justin D Margolin, Ellen Zhang, Robert Anderson, Rhonda L Babine, Tammy Hshieh, Ambrose H Wong, R Andrew Taylor, Kathleen Davenport, Brittni Teresi, Tamara G Fong, and Sharon K Inouye
Diagnostic characteristics of 11 formulae for calculating corrected flow time as measured by a wearable Doppler patch., Jon-Émile S Kenny, Igor Barjaktarevic, David C Mackenzie, Andrew M Eibl, Matthew Parrotta, Bradley F Long, and Joseph K Eibl
"Pulling the Parachute": A Qualitative Study of Burnout's Influence on Emergency Medicine Resident Career Choices, Dave W. Lu, Carl A. Germann, Sara W. Nelson, Joshua Jauregui, and Tania D. Strout
#MeToo in EM: A Multicenter Survey of Academic Emergency Medicine Faculty on Their Experiences with Gender Discrimination and Sexual Harassment, Dave W. Lu, Michelle D. Lall, Jennifer Mitzman, Sheryl Heron, Ava Pierce, Nicholas D. Hartman, Danielle M. McCarthy, Joshua Jauregui, and Tania D. Strout
Academic Emergency Medicine Faculty Experiences with Racial and Sexual Orientation Discrimination., Dave W Lu, Ava Pierce, Joshua Jauregui, Sheryl Heron, Michelle D Lall, Jennifer Mitzman, Danielle M McCarthy, Nicholas D Hartman, and Tania D Strout
"I Know It When I See It", David C. Mackenzie
Pediatric Cardiac Arrest Resuscitation., Nathan W Mick and Rachel J Williams
Intervention and Mechanisms of Alanyl-glutamine for Inflammation, Nutrition, and Enteropathy: A Randomized Controlled Trial., Sean R Moore, Laura A Quinn, Elizabeth A Maier, Marjorie M Guedes, Josiane S Quetz, Madeline Perry, Chethan Ramprasad, Gabriela M L Lanzarini Lopes, Jordi Mayneris-Perxachs, Jonathan Swann, Alberto M Soares, José Q Filho, Francisco S Junior, Alexandre Havt, Noelia L Lima, Richard L Guerrant, and Aldo A M Lima
Man With Cyanosis and Altered Mental Status., Anne Runkle, Jason Block, and Samir Haydar
Screening for Health-Related Social Needs of Emergency Department Patients., Margaret E Samuels-Kalow, Krislyn M Boggs, Rebecca E Cash, Ramsey Herrington, Nathan W Mick, Maia S Rutman, Arjun K Venkatesh, Christopher P Zabbo, Ashley F Sullivan, Kohei Hasegawa, Kori S Zachrison, and Carlos A Camargo
Serotonin Syndrome Associated With Vilazodone Overdose in a 22-Month-Old Treated With Dexmedetomidine., Erica Schlichting, Chris Welter, Tammi Schaeffer, and Tania D Strout
Post-Acute Care Physician House Calls in Graduate Medical Education: Enriching the Resident and Patient Experience Through a Care Transitions Curriculum, Tania Strout, Eliza Bullis, and Robert Anderson
Psychometric Properties of the Short Form Patient Activation Measure When Used with Adult Emergency Department Patients, Tania D. Strout, Rushi Shah, Samir A. Haydar, and Karla Hyde
The Research Escape Hunt: An Escape Room-Scavenger Hunt for Resident Education, Tani Strout, Robert Anderson, Timothy Fallon, and Carl A. Germann
Change in opioid policies in New England emergency departments, 2014 vs 2018., Maranatha M Teferi, Krislyn M Boggs, Janice A Espinola, Ramsey Herrington, Nathan W Mick, Maia S Rutman, Arjun K Venkatesh, Christopher P Zabbo, Kohei Hasegawa, Margaret E Samuels-Kalow, Scott G Weiner, and Carlos A Camargo
Evaluation of an institutionspecific protocol for hyperglycemic crises management, Gianna Vitale, Stephen Rolfe, Joleen Bierlein, and Erin Corica
Young Man With Unilateral Vision Loss., Christina N Wilson and Andrew Fried
Submissions from 2019
A Case Report of Adhesional Small Bowel Obstruction Caused by Extraintestinal Anisakiasis., Christopher Allison and Michael Baumann
A Case Report of Adhesional Small Bowel Obstruction Caused by Extraintestinal Anisakiasis., Christopher Allison and Michael Baumann
Woman with cirrhosis and shortness of breath., Christopher Allison and David Mackenzie
Reducing Length of Stay for Mental Health Patients, Faye Collins and Nancijean Goudey
Hospital Prices Grew Substantially Faster Than Physician Prices For Hospital-Based Care In 2007-14., Zack Cooper, Stuart Craig, Martin Gaynor, Nir J Harish, Harlan M Krumholz, and John Van Reenen
WAMAMI: emergency physicians can accurately identify wall motion abnormalities in acute myocardial infarction., Peter E Croft, Tania D Strout, Randy M Kring, Laura Director, Samip C Vasaiwala, and David C Mackenzie
Senior-year curriculum in U.S. medical schools: a scoping review., Carl A Germann, Tania D Strout, Yoon Soo Park, and Ara Tekian
Abdominal Pain After a Football Game., Heidi M Goddard, Casey Z MacVane, and Tania D Strout
Prognostic value of a modified surprise question designed for use in the emergency department setting., Samir A Haydar, Tania D Strout, Alicia G Bond, and Paul Kj Han
ACR Appropriateness Criteria® Penetrating Trauma-Lower Abdomen and Pelvis., Matthew T Heller, Aytekin Oto, Brian C Allen, Oguz Akin, Lauren F Alexander, Jaron Chong, Adam T Froemming, Pat F Fulgham, David C Mackenzie, Jodi K Maranchie, Rekha N Mody, Bhavik N Patel, Nicola Schieda, Ismail B Turkbey, Aradhana M Venkatesan, Carolyn L Wang, and Mark E Lockhart
Predicting emergency department orders with multilabel machine learning techniques and simulating effects on length of stay., Haley S Hunter-Zinck, Jordan S Peck, Tania D Strout, and Stephan A Gaehde
Outpatient Treatment of Pulmonary Embolism: A Single-Center Case Series, Annie Huyler, Casey Z. MacVane, Andrew Perron, and Tania D Strout
Seerratus Anterior Plane Block (SAPB) Improves Paine Control in Rib Fractures, Randy Kring, Peter Croft, David Mackenzie, Christina Wilson, Joseph Rappold, and Tania D. Strout
Man with foot pain., Randy M Kring, Timothy W Sweeney, and David MacKenzie
So the Doctor Is Burned Out: What Does It Mean for Patient Care?, Dave W. Lu, Andra L. Blomkains, and John H. Burton
Why Residents Quit: National Rates of and Reasons for Attrition Among Emergency Medicine Physicians in Training., Dave W. Lu, Nicholas D. Hartman, Jeffrey Druck, Jennifer Mitzman, and Tania D. Strout
Approach to the Diagnosis and Management of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage., Evie Marcolini and Jason Hine
Evaluation and Management of Neck and Back Pain., John W Martel and Samuel B Potter
Association of Emergency Clinicians' Assessment of Mortality Risk With Actual 1-Month Mortality Among Older Adults Admitted to the Hospital., Kei Ouchi, Tania Strout, Samir Haydar, Olesya Baker, Wei Wang, Rachelle Bernacki, Rebecca Sudore, Jeremiah D Schuur, Mara A Schonberg, Susan D Block, and James A Tulsky
Commentary: 2018 Stroke Guidelines., Andrew D. Perron and John H. Burton
Tranexamic acid suppresses the release of mitochondrial DNA, protects the endothelial monolayer and enhances oxidative phosphorylation., Igor Prudovsky, Damien Carter, Doreen Kacer, Monica Palmeri, Tee Soul, Chloe Kumpel, Kathleen Pyburn, Karyn Barrett, Victoria DeMambro, Ilya Alexandrov, Irina Brandina, Robert Kramer, and Joseph Rappold
Wellness in Teaching: a dynamic educational intervention to improve faculty performance, Sue Rose, Vicki Hayes, Christine Hein, Amy Sedgwick, Bryan Lamoreau, and Wendy Craig
Prehospital whole blood resuscitation prevents coagulopathy and improves acid-base status at hospital arrival in a nonhuman primate hemorrhagic shock model., Forest R Sheppard, Thomas A Mitchell, Andrew P Cap, Leasha J Schaub, Antoni R Macko, and Jacob J Glaser
Increasing heroin, cocaine, and buprenorphine arrests reported to the Maine Diversion Alert Program., Kevin J Simpson, Matthew T Moran, Kenneth L McCall, John Herbert, Michelle L Foster, Olapeju M Simoyan, Dipam T Shah, Clare Desrosiers, Stephanie D Nichols, and Brian J Piper
Young Man With Hip Injury., Matthew J Spanier and David C Mackenzie
'Step Up' approach to the application of REBOA technology in a rural, Jack P Vernamonti, John Holcomb, Nathan W Mick, Carolyne Falank, Julianne B Ontengco, Joseph Rappold, and Forest Raymond Sheppard
Submissions from 2018
Woman With Hand Pain and Swelling., Christopher Allison and Garreth DeBiegun
Woman With Neck Pain., Christopher Allison, Jeffrey Holmes, and Elizabeth Pearce
What resources are used in emergency departments in rural sub-Saharan Africa? A retrospective analysis of patient care in a district-level hospital in Uganda., Cindy Carol Bitter, Brian Rice, Usha Periyanayagam, Bradley Dreifuss, Heather Hammerstedt, Sara W Nelson, Mark Bisanzo, Samuel Maling, and Stacey Chamberlain