Volume 3, Issue 2 (2021)
Invited Editorials
Original Research
County and Demographic Differences in Drug Arrests and Controlled Substance Use in Maine
Trajan F. Hyde, Amadea D. Bekoe-Tabiri, Amalie K. Kropp Lopez, Luis G. Devia, Belsy D. Gutierrez, Matthew C. Lara, Anthony R. Soto, Daniel E. Kaufman, Matthew T. Moran, Kevin J. Simpson, Dipam T. Shah, Michelle Foster, Clare E. Desrosiers, John Hebert, Stephanie D. Nichols, Kenneth Lee McCall, and Brian J. Piper
Perceptions of Maine Health Care Providers on Youth Tobacco Use and Prevention Efforts
Titilola Balogun, Toho Soma, and Liam O'Brien
Missed Opportunities: Documentation and Referral Rates Among Children and Adults with Obesity
Heidi Walls, Christina Holt, Amy Haskins PhD, and Williams Dexter
Factors that Influence Perception of HIV Risk and Willingness to Use Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis in People Who Inject Drugs
Daria Egorova, Anny Fenton, and Kinna Thakarar
Genetic Testing Reveals Germline Mutations Among Patients Undergoing Surgery for Colorectal Carcinoma in a Community Hospital Setting
Alex R. Jones; Dana Greer RN, BSN, OCN; and Karin L. Cole MD
Implementing a Clinical Practice Guideline for Pediatric Appendicitis Safely Reduced Health Care Use and Improved Antimicrobial Stewardship
Jack Vernamonti, Robin Cotter, Jennifer Jubulis, and Kartikey Pandya
Patient Transport in the Time of COVID-19: Using Health Care Failure Mode and Effect Analysis with Simulation to Test and Modify a Protocol
John Kwock, Jeffrey Holmes, Shelly Chipman, Erin Siebers, Angela Berry, Sonja Orff, Victoria Boutin, and Leah Mallory
Application of Best Practices
Inclusive Language Matters: Recommendations for Health Care Providers to Address Implicit Bias and Equitable Health Care
Crystal R. Herron
Innovation Highlights
Total Body Photography and Sequential Digital Dermoscopy Imaging for Melanoma Surveillance in Patients Starting Natalizumab for Multiple Sclerosis
Tyler Nussinow BA, Amanda Robinson NP, Biljana Beretich MD, Kathryn Stevens NP, and Elizabeth Seiverling MD
Building Innovation Capacity in a Learning Health System: The Innovation Cohort Experience
Jennifer Monti and Owen Sanderson
Case Reports
Spouses with Pulmonary Mycobacterium Avium Complex Infections: A Case Report
Gregg Raymond MD and Emily Wood MD
A Rare Entity: Case Report of Recurrent Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis
Astrid A. Gleaton and Kartikey Pandya
Case Report: Pheochromocytoma Presenting with Cushing’s Syndrome and Hyperglycemia
Elizabeth Garbitelli, Halla Bates, Cheryl Liechty, and Robert Bing-You
Research and Quality Improvement Brief
Qualitative Evaluation of a Certificate in Health Care Improvement for Interprofessional Teams
Hannah R. Martin; Eilish W. Carpenter; Peter W. Bates; Erin M. Graydon-Baker; Mark G. Parker; Jordan S. Peck; Debra Rothenberg MD, PhD; Isaac Z. Stickney; Ghassan A. Saleh; John E. Wennberg; John Tooker; Robert Trowbridge Jr; and Kathleen M. Fairfield
Healthcare Systems Should be Leaders in Patient-Centered Sustainability
Katherine T. Liu MD, FACP and Lesley B. Gordon MD, MS
Christine Hein MD
2021 Lambrew Research Retreat; Thomas Maciag Award for Excellence in Basic and Translational Science