
Submissions from 2018


Valproate free serum concentrations: More complex than simple formulas., Richard R Riker, David Gagnon, Teresa May, Gilles Fraser, and David Seder


Understanding post-cardiac arrest myoclonus., David B Seder and Richard R Riker


Accuracy of Point-of-Care Blood Glucose Level Measurements in Critically Ill Patients with Sepsis Receiving High-Dose Intravenous Vitamin C., Kathryn E Smith, Caitlin S Brown, Bridget M Manning, Teresa May, Richard R Riker, Patricia A Lerwick, Timothy L Hayes, and Gilles L Fraser


Use of ceftolozane-tazobactam in a cystic fibrosis patient with multidrug-resistant pseudomonas infection and renal insufficiency., Katie Stokem, Jonathan B Zuckerman, David P Nicolau, Minkey Wungwattana, and Edmund H Sears


Use of Masks in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis., Jonathan B Zuckerman and Lisa Saiman

Submissions from 2017


ICU clinicians underestimate breathing discomfort in ventilated subjects., Andrew P Binks, Steven Desjardin, and Richard Riker


Development of a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Order Set at Maine Medical Center, Sarah Bockian, Emily Esslinger, and Martha Weatherhead


Postresuscitation Experience of Obese and Underweight Patients After Cardiac Arrest., Wendy Craig, Ilka Pinz, Barbara McCrum, Mariam Qazi, Teresa May, Richard Riker, and David Seder


What is the role of oral prostacyclin pathway medications in pulmonary arterial hypertension management?, Rama El Yafawi and Joel A Wirth


Repurposing valproate, enteral clonidine, and phenobarbital for comfort in adult ICU patients: a literature review with practical considerations., David J Gagnon, Gabriel V Fontaine, Richard R Riker, and Gilles L Fraser


Valproate for agitation in critically ill patients: a retrospective study., David J. Gagnon, Gabriel V Fontaine, Kathryn E. Smith, Richard R. Riker, Russell R Miller, Patricia A. Lerwick, F L. Lucas, John T. Dziodzio, Kristen C. Sihler, and Gilles L. Fraser


Stroke and myocardial infarction following bronchial artery embolization in a cystic fibrosis patient., Matt Hoffman, Joseph P Gerding, and Jonathan B Zuckerman


Reducing Acute Kidney Injury Due to Contrast Material: How Nurses Can Improve Patient Safety., Peggy Lambert, Kristine Chaisson, Susan Horton, Carmen Petrin, Emily Marshall, Sue Bowden, Lynn Scott, Sheila Conley, Janette Stender, Gertrude Kent, Ellen Hopkins, Brian Smith, Anita Nicholson, Nancy Roy, Brenda Homsted, Cindy Downs, Cathy S Ross, Jeremiah Brown, and Northern New England Cardiovascular Disease Study Group


Five-year trends of critical care practice and outcomes., Craig M Lilly, Sunil Swami, Xinggang Liu, Richard R Riker, and Omar Badawi


The implementation of targeted temperature management: an evidence-based guideline from the Neurocritical Care Society., Lori Kennedy Madden, Michelle Hill, Teresa L May, Theresa Human, Mary McKenna Guanci, Judith Jacobi, Melissa V Moreda, and Neeraj Badjatia


Outcomes in Cardiac Arrest Vary by Center After Correction for Case Mix and Severity of Illness., Teresa May, Philip Stone, Gill Fraser, Richard Riker, and David Seder


Cefepime-induced neurotoxicity: a systematic review., Lauren E Payne, David J Gagnon, Richard R Riker, David B Seder, Elizabeth K Glisic, Jane G Morris, and Gilles L Fraser


Emergency neurological life support: airway, ventilation, and sedation., Venkatakrishna Rajajee, Becky Riggs, and David B. Seder


Valproate protein binding is highly variable in ICU patients and not predicted by total serum concentrations: a case series and literature review., Richard R Riker, David J Gagnon, Colman Hatton, Teresa May, David B Seder, Katie Stokem, and Gilles L Fraser


Caution warranted regarding transfusion for subarachnoid hemorrhage., Richard R Riker and David B Seder


Airway management and mechanical ventilation in acute brain injury., D B Seder and J Bösel


Does medication safety and diversion education improve medication securement practices in SCU compared to current practice?, Natasha Stankiewicz


Guidelines for family-centered care in neuro-ICU populations: caveats for routine palliative care., Michel T Torbey, Gretchen M Brophy, Panayiotis N Varelas, Julian Bösel, Edward Manno, Mary Kay Bader, Jose I Suarez, David Seder, and W David Freeman


Low-dose prothrombin complex concentrate for warfarin-associated intracranial hemorrhage with INR less than 2.0., Wesley R Zemrak, Kathryn E Smith, Stephen S Rolfe, Teresa May, Robert L Trowbridge, Timothy L Hayes, Gene A Grindlinger, and David B Seder

Submissions from 2016


Clinafloxacin for treatment of Burkholderia cenocepacia infection in a cystic fibrosis patient, Akshu Balwan, David P Nicolau, Minkey Wungwattana, Jonathan B Zuckerman, and Valerie Waters


Heart Rate and the Post Cardiac Arrest Syndrome: Another Clue to Individualizing Care?, Karen Bascom, Richard R Riker, and David B Seder


Managing the patient with pulmonary hypertension: specialty care centers, coordinated care, and patient support., Murali M Chakinala, Maribeth Duncan, and Joel Wirth


Clinical and research considerations for patients with hypertensive acute heart failure: a consensus statement from the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine and the Heart Failure Society of America Acute Heart Failure Working Group., Sean P Collins, Phillip D Levy, Jennifer L Martindale, Mark E Dunlap, Alan B Storrow, Peter S Pang, Nancy M Albert, G Michael Felker, Gregory J Fermann, Gregg C Fonarow, Michael M Givertz, Judd E Hollander, David E Lanfear, Daniel J Lenihan, JoAnn M Lindenfeld, W Frank Peacock, Douglas B. Sawyer, John R Teerlink, and Javed Butler


Clinical and research considerations for patients with hypertensive acute heart failure: a consensus statement from the Society of Academic Emergency Medicine and the Heart Failure Society of America Acute Heart Failure Working Group., Sean P Collins, Phillip D Levy, Jennifer L Martindale, Mark E Dunlap, Alan B Storrow, Peter S Pang, Nancy M Albert, G Michael Felker, Gregory J Fermann, Gregg C Fonarow, Michael M Givertz, Judd E Hollander, David J Lanfear, Daniel J Lenihan, JoAnn M Lindenfeld, W Frank Peacock, Douglas B. Sawyer, John R Teerlink, and Javed Butler


Intended and unintended consequences of constraining clinician prescribing: the case of antipsychotics., John W Devlin, Pamela Smithburger, Jason M Kane, Gilles L. Fraser, and Yoanna Skrobik


The Insertion and Management of External Ventricular Drains: An Evidence-Based Consensus Statement : A Statement for Healthcare Professionals from the Neurocritical Care Society., Herbert I Fried, Barnett R Nathan, A Shaun Rowe, Joseph M Zabramski, Norberto Andaluz, Adarsh Bhimraj, Mary McKenna Guanci, David B Seder, and Jeffrey M Singh


Inadequacy of Headache Management After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage., Elizabeth K Glisic, Linda Gardiner, Linda Josti, Elizabeth Dermanelian, Sandra Ridel, John Dziodzio, Barbara McCrum, Ben Enos, Patricia Lerwick, Gilles L Fraser, Paul Muscat, Richard R Riker, Robert Ecker, Jeffrey Florman, and David B Seder


Pneumonia prevention in intubated patients given sucralfate versus proton-pump inhibitors and/or histamine II receptor blockers., Gene A Grindlinger, Sarah B Cairo, and Carole B Duperre


Free serum valproate concentration more reliable than total concentration in critically ill patients., Colman Hatton, Richard R. Riker, David J. Gagnon, Teresa May, David B. Seder, and Gilles L. Fraser


Closed mitral commissurotomy during pregnancy in East Africa., Robert Kramer, Reed Quinn, Agneta Odera, Robert Groom, Nancy Boulanger, Eric Gunnoe, and Russell White


Sedation quality in intensive care: which interventions work?, Richard R. Riker and Gilles L. Fraser


Early tracheostomy in ventilated stroke patients: Study protocol of the international multicentre randomized trial SETPOINT2 (Stroke-related Early Tracheostomy vs. Prolonged Orotracheal Intubation in Neurocritical care Trial 2)., Silvia Schönenberger, Wolf-Dirk Niesen, Hannah Fuhrer, Colleen Bauza, Christina Klose, Meinhard Kieser, José I Suarez, David B Seder, Julian Bösel, SETPOINT2-Study Group, and IGNITE-Study Group


The evolving paradigm of individualized postresuscitation care after cardiac arrest., David B. Seder and Christine Lord


The evolving paradigm of individualized postresuscitation care after cardiac arrest., David B Seder, Christine Lord, and David J Gagnon


Haematoma expansion and vitamin K antagonist reversal., Wesley R. Zemrak, Kathryn E. Smith, David J. Gagnon, Stephen S. Rolfe, and David B. Seder

Submissions from 2015


Recurrent human papillomavirus-related airway squamous cell carcinomas., Akshu Balwan, Hagen Blaszyk, and Thomas E Van der Kloot


Beyond Cavities and Emphysema., Akshu Balwan, Thomas Van der Kloot, and Jennifer Palminteri


SLEAP: a wake-up call to question the oversimplification of ICU delirium., Gilles L Fraser, David J Gagnon, and Richard R Riker


Prophylactic antibiotics are associated with a lower incidence of pneumonia in cardiac arrest survivors treated with targeted temperature management., David J Gagnon, Niklas Nielsen, Gilles L Fraser, Richard R Riker, John Dziodzio, Kjetil Sunde, Jan Hovdenes, Pascal Stammet, Hans Friberg, Sten Rubertsson, Michael Wanscher, and David B Seder


Transition from dexmedetomidine to enteral clonidine for ICU sedation: an observational pilot study., David J Gagnon, Richard R Riker, Elizabeth K Glisic, Andrew Kelner, Hilary M Perrey, and Gilles L Fraser


Etomidate in sepsis: understanding the dilemma., David J Gagnon and David B Seder


Association of gender to outcome after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest--a report from the International Cardiac Arrest Registry., Viktor Karlsson, Josef Dankiewicz, Niklas Nielsen, Karl B Kern, Michael R Mooney, Richard R Riker, Sten Rubertsson, David B Seder, Pascal Stammet, Kjetil Sunde, Eldar Søreide, Barbara T Unger, and Hans Friberg


Outcomes of comatose cardiac arrest survivors with and without ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: importance of coronary angiography., Karl B Kern, Kapildeo Lotun, Nainesh Patel, Michael R Mooney, Ryan D Hollenbeck, John A McPherson, Paul W McMullan, Barbara Unger, Chiu-Hsieh Hsu, and David B Seder


Moderate-dose sedation and analgesia during targeted temperature management after cardiac arrest., Teresa L May, David B Seder, Gilles L Fraser, Philip Stone, Barbara McCrum, and Richard R Riker


Analgesia, sedation, and neuromuscular blockade during targeted temperature management after cardiac arrest., Richard R Riker, David J Gagnon, Teresa May, David B Seder, and Gilles L Fraser


Emergency neurological life support: airway, ventilation, and sedation., David B Seder, Andy Jagoda, and Becky Riggs


The authors reply., David B Seder, Richard R Riker, and Niklas Nielsen


Neurologic outcomes and postresuscitation care of patients with myoclonus following cardiac arrest., David B Seder, Kjetil Sunde, Sten Rubertsson, Michael Mooney, Pascal Stammet, Richard R Riker, Karl B Kern, Barbara Unger, Tobias Cronberg, John Dziodzio, and Niklas Nielsen


Air contamination with bacteria in cystic fibrosis clinics: implications for prevention strategies., Jonathan B Zuckerman, Sarah A Clock, B Stephen Prato, James J McDevitt, Juyan Julia Zhou, Laurie W Leclair, F Lee Lucas, and Lisa Saiman

Submissions from 2014


Randomized ICU trials do not demonstrate an association between interventions that reduce delirium duration and short-term mortality: a systematic review and meta-analysis., Nada S Al-Qadheeb, Ethan M Balk, Gilles L Fraser, Yoanna Skrobik, Richard R Riker, John P Kress, Shawn Whitehead, and John W Devlin


Safety, feasibility, and outcomes of induced hypothermia therapy following in-hospital cardiac arrest-evaluation of a large prospective registry*., Josef Dankiewicz, Simon Schmidbauer, Niklas Nielsen, Karl B Kern, Michael R Mooney, Pascal Stammet, Richard R Riker, Sten Rubertsson, David Seder, Ondrej Smid, Kjetil Sunde, Eldar Søreide, Barbara T Unger, and Hans Friberg


Iron supplementation does not worsen respiratory health or alter the sputum microbiome in cystic fibrosis., Alex H Gifford, Diana M Alexandru, Zhigang Li, Dana B Dorman, Lisa A Moulton, Katherine E Price, Thomas H Hampton, Mitchell L Sogin, Jonathan B Zuckerman, H Worth Parker, Bruce A Stanton, and George A O'Toole


Early cardiac catheterization is associated with improved survival in comatose survivors of cardiac arrest without STEMI., Ryan D Hollenbeck, John A McPherson, Michael R Mooney, Barbara T Unger, Nainesh C Patel, Paul W McMullan, Chiu-Hsieh Hsu, David B Seder, and Karl B Kern


Clinical monitoring scales in acute brain injury: assessment of coma, pain, agitation, and delirium., Richard R Riker and Jennifer E Fugate


Prognosis after cardiac arrest: time to rethink why, how, and when*., David B Seder


Feasibility of bispectral index monitoring to guide early post-resuscitation cardiac arrest triage., David B Seder, John Dziodzio, Kahsi A Smith, Paige Hickey, Brittany Bolduc, Philip Stone, Teresa May, Barbara McCrum, Gilles L Fraser, and Richard R Riker


Geriatric experience following cardiac arrest at six interventional cardiology centers in the United States 2006-2011: interplay of age, do-not-resuscitate order, and outcomes., David B Seder, Nainesh Patel, John McPherson, Paul McMullan, Karl B Kern, Barbara Unger, Sudip Nanda, Melkon Hacobian, Michael B Kelley, Niklas Nielsen, John Dziodzio, and Michael Mooney

Submissions from 2013


Hyperperfusion syndrome after stent/coiling of a ruptured carotid bifurcation aneurysm., Robert D Ecker, Richard D Murray, and David B Seder


Voices of family members and significant others in the tele-intensive care unit, Mary Jahrsdoerfer and Susan Goran


Single-dose etomidate is not associated with increased mortality in ICU patients with sepsis: analysis of a large electronic ICU database., Laura C McPhee, Omar Badawi, Gilles L Fraser, Patricia A Lerwick, Richard R Riker, Ilene H Zuckerman, Christine Franey, and David B Seder

Submissions from 2012


Making the move: from bedside to camera-side, Susan F. Goran


Emergency neurological life support: airway, ventilation, and sedation., David B Seder, Richard R Riker, Andy Jagoda, Wade S Smith, and Scott D Weingart

Submissions from 2011


A new view: tele-intensive care unit competencies, Susan F. Goran


Surface cooling after cardiac arrest: effectiveness, skin safety, and adverse events in routine clinical practice., Salam Jarrah, John Dziodzio, Christine Lord, Gilles L Fraser, Lee Lucas, Richard R Riker, and David B Seder


Correlation of bivalirudin dose with creatinine clearance during treatment of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia., Courtney L Runyan, Katherine P Cabral, Richard R Riker, David Redding, Teresa May, David B Seder, Marizela Savic, Jacqueline Hedlund, Stuart Abramson, and Gilles L Fraser


Transdermal nicotine replacement therapy in cigarette smokers with acute subarachnoid hemorrhage., David B Seder, J Michael Schmidt, Neeraj Badjatia, Luis Fernandez, Fred Rincon, Jan Claassen, Errol Gordon, Emmanuel Carrera, Pedro Kurtz, Kiwon Lee, E Sander Connolly, and Stephan A Mayer


An assessment of patient satisfaction with nonoperative management of clavicular fractures using the disabilities of the arm, shoulder and hand outcome measure., Timothy M Thormodsgard, Kayla Stone, David L Ciraulo, Matthew R Camuso, and Steven Desjardins

Submissions from 2010


A second set of eyes: An introduction to Tele-ICU., Susan F Goran

Submissions from 1946


Urogenital wounds in an evacuation hospital, D F. MARSHALL