Submissions from 1949
Clinical evaluation of pyrrolazote and orthoxine in allergic diseases, Benjamin Zolov
Dermatophytosis, O F. JILLSON
Benadryl; intravenous use in allergy, Benjamin Zolov
Some diagnostic office procedures, C L. HOLT
Submissions from 1948
An analysis of X-ray findings in 405 cases of benign gastric and pyloric ulcer, W A. RUSSELL
Ulcer of greater curvature of stomach; benign or malignant? Case report of a benign ulcer, W A. RUSSELL
Acute circulatory arrest from ventricular fibrillation for 27 minutes, with complete recovery, J R. Lincoln
Amebic abscess of the liver; therapeutic problems in various types of late hepatic amebiasis, E H. DRAKE
Submissions from 1947
Acute obstruction of the small bowel; value of roentgen examination in early diagnosis, J SPENCER and L T. THAXTER
The value of the methylene blue test in the detection of bilirubin, C L. HOLT
Anesthesia in urology, J R. LINCOLN
Submissions from 1946
The treatment of infectious hepatitis (catarrhal jaundice), C L. Holt
Urogenital wounds in an evacuation hospital, D F. MARSHALL
Submissions from 1943
A Study of the Familial Spread of Hemophilus influenzae, Type B, P G. Good