Incorporated in 1868, MMC is the state’s largest medical center, licensed for 700 beds and employing more than 9,600 people. MaineHealth Maine Medical Center’s unique role as both a community hospital and a referral center requires an unparalleled depth and breadth of services, including the state’s only allopathic medical school program, through a partnership with Tufts University School of Medicine, and a world-class biomedical research center, the MaineHealth Institute for Research.


Submissions from 2025


Innovative Technology to Improve Simulation Access for Rural Clinicians, Allison Zanno, Jeffrey Holmes, Misty Melendi, and Michael Ferguson


Preparing Residents for Rural Practice and Advocacy: The Experiences of Three Residency Training Programs in the Northeast United States (2009-2023), Brian Youth, Carol Lynn O'Dea, and Jill Rinehart


Rural Pediatric Health Care: A Century of Challenges and a Millennium of Opportunities, Mary Ottolini


Tools for Improving Access to Subspecialty Care Among Rural Children, Genevieve Whiting and James C. Bohnhoff


Treatment of Pediatric Obesity in Rural Settings: Identifying and Overcoming Barriers to Care, Rushika Conroy, Carrie Gordon, and Valerie M. O'Hara


Associations between COVID-19 therapies and outcomes in rural and urban America: A multisite, temporal analysis from the Alpha to Omicron SARS-CoV-2 variants, A Jerrod Anzalone, William H. Beasley, Kimberly Murray, William B. Hillegass, Makayla Schissel, Michael T. Vest, Scott A. Chapman, Ronald Horswell, Lucio Miele, H Timothy Bunnell, Susan L. Santangelo, and Clifford J. Rosen

Long-term Outcomes of Persistent Postoperative Opioid Use: A Retrospective Cohort Study, Jeffrey J. Aalberg, Marc Kimball, Timothy R. McIntire, and Geoffrey M. McCullen

The rise of endovascular repair for abdominal, thoracoabdominal, and thoracic aortic aneurysms, Patrick D. Conroy, Vinamr Rastogi, Sai Divya Yadavalli, Yoel Solomon, Anne-Sophie Romijn, Kirsten Dansey, Hence J. Verhagen, Kristina Giles, and Joseph V. Lombardi

Submissions from 2024

Net Promoter Score as a Reflection of Patients' Opinions About Telemedical Visits: A Mixed Methods Analysis, Mike Kohut, Tracy Jalbuena, Rachel Alfiero, John DiPalazzo, Eric Anderson, and Jasmine Bishop

Advancing Delirium Assessment in Neurocritically Ill Adults, John W. Devlin and Richard R. Riker

Medicaid‑Insured Children with Medical Complexity in a Rural State, James Bohnhoff, Chelsea Bodnar, Jon Graham, Jonathon Knudson, Erika Fox, Cindy Leary, Lauren Cater, and Curtis Noonan

The impact of climate change induced natural disasters on healthcare: Rethinking intravenous fluids, Elizabeth A. Cerceo, Katherine T. Liu, Evans K. Brown, and Catherine Chen


Negative feedback between PTH1R and IGF1 through the Hedgehog pathway in mediating craniofacial bone remodeling, Yi Fan, Ping Lyu, Jiahe Wang, Yali Wei, Zucen Li, Shiwen Zhang, Takehito Ouchi, Junjun Jing, Quan Yuan, Chenchen Zhou, and Clifford J. Rosen


Evaluation of a Pregnancy Options Counseling Curriculum for Pediatric Residents, Laura Kirkpatrick, Lauren A. Bell, Theresa Borcky, Hannah Boutros-Khoury, Jayde Hooven-Davis, Jacquelin Rankine, Cynthia Robbins, Tahniat Syed, and Nicholas Szoko


Pharmacogenetic and microRNA mechanisms of beta blocker use on bone, Christine W. Lary, Elizabeth J. Atkinson, Jennifer Spillane, Zannatun Nayema, Tyler A. Roy, Rebecca Peters, Griffin T. Scott, Hongyu Chen, Archana Nagarajan, Katherine J. Motyl, and Aaron C. Brown


Kidney stone analysis: an EAU section of urolithiasis (EULIS) survey on current practices and perspectives worldwide, Simone J. Stoots, Bhaskar K. Somani, Otas Durutovic, Vitor Cavadas, Armin Secker, Helene Ulrik Jung, Øyvind Ulvik, Johann Ingimarsson, Tzevat Tefik, and Laurian Dragos


Assessment of sous vide water baths in the acute rewarming of frostbitten extremities: A multicenter study, Nicholas J. Daniel, Johndavid M. Storn, Nicholas E. Weinberg, William A. Galvin, Hillary R. Irons, Aaron N. Barksdale, Megan L. Rischall, Sean M. Bilodeau, Jasmine Y. Gale, Katherine G. Willet, Amalya Wilson, Kara Keiper, and Jessica Chevalier


Enhanced fatty acid oxidation in osteoprogenitor cells provides protection from high-fat diet induced bone dysfunction, Ananya Nandy, Ron C. Helderman, Santosh Thapa, Sun H. Peck, Alison Richards, Shobana Jayapalan, Nikita Narayani, Michael P. Czech, and Clifford J. Rosen


Current state of neurodevelopmental and psychosocial care practices for paediatric patients with ventricular assist devices: an Advanced Cardiac Therapies Improving Outcomes Network and Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Outcome Collaborative collaborative survey, Catherine R. Dusing, Elise Turner, Lauren Smyth, Adam R. Cassidy, Melanie D. Everitt, Riki Graves, Dawn L. Ilardi, Thomas Miller, Melissa McQueen, Hannah Roberts, and Bonnie Bolin


Rate and setting of neurodevelopmental and psychosocial encounters for children with CHD, James C. Bohnhoff, Anya Cutler, Julia Price, Katherine Ahrens, Sarah M. Gabrielson, Warren Hathaway, and Thomas A. Miller


The pathoanatomy of medial ligamentous disruption in the dislocated and multiple ligament injured knee, Nancy Park, Jay Moran, Logan Petit, Joseph Kahan, William McLaughlin, Peter Joo, Michael Lee, Joshua Green, Kinjal Vasavada, Isabel Chalem, Peter Jokl, Michael J. Alaia, and Michael J. Medvecky


Features of Consistent Powassan Virus Lineage II Focus in Southern Maine, United States, Lindsay Baxter, Charles Lubelczyk, Laura C. Harrington, Jake Angelico, Molly C. Meagher, Robert P. Smith, and Rebecca M. Robich


Respiratory equality: let's stop playing favorites with COVID-19 in the healthcare setting, Catherine L. Passaretti, Werner Bischoff, Justin Chan, Daniel J. Diekema, Shira Doron, Carolee Estelle, Jesse T. Jacob, Tsun Sheng Ku, and Surbhi Leekha


Nonopioid medications for managing opioid withdrawal in acute care settings: A scoping review, Brian L. Erstad, Aurora Quaye, Megan E. Hellwege, David Do, and Brian J. Kopp


Phenylalanine hydroxylase deficiency diagnosis and management: A 2023 evidence-based clinical guideline of the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG), Wendy E. Smith, Susan A. Berry, Kaitlyn Bloom, Christine Brown, Barbara K. Burton, Olivia M. Demarest, Gabrielle P. Jenkins, Jennifer Malinowski, and Kim L. McBride


A new method to evaluate fluoroscopic system collimator performance, Joseph R. Steiner, Courtney K. Morrison, Mayur Vaya, Nicholas Bevins, Jeremy Christophel, and Matt Vanderhoek

Associations of PFAS concentrations during pregnancy and midlife with bone health in midlife: Cross-sectional and prospective findings from Project Viva, Pi-I Debby Lin, Andres Cardenas, Lisa B. Rokoff, Sheryl L. Rifas-Shiman, Mingyu Zhang, Julianne Botelho, Antonia M. Calafat, and Diane R. Gold


Changing behavior and promoting clinical empathy through a patient experience curriculum for health profession students, Sara W. Nelson, Carl Germann, Rachel Yudkowsky, Benjamin Pare, Lauren Wendell, Michael Blackie, Tania Strout, and Laura E. Hirshfield


Early identification of vascular access site complications and frequent heart rate and blood pressure monitoring after cardiac catheterization: A scoping review, Janelle Beaudry Clark and Eira Hyrkas


Outcomes following carotid revascularization in patients with prior ipsilateral carotid artery stenting in the Vascular Quality Initiative, Gabriel Jabbour, Sai Divya Yadavalli, Vinamr Rastogi, Elisa Caron, Tim J. Mandigers, Grace J. Wang, Brian W. Nolan, Mahmoud Malas, Jason T. Lee, Roger B. Davis, Lars Stangenberg, and Marc L. Schermerhorn


Resident Physicians Can Promote Environmental Health and Climate-Informed Health Care, Jacob Rha, Camille Ezran, Katherine T. Liu, and Lesley B. Gordon


Transgenerational epigenetic self-memory of dosage is associated with methylation and altered growth trajectories and neonatal hormones, M Elena Martinez, Aldona Karaczyn, Zhaofei Wu, Christian A. Bennett, Kassey L. Matoin, Heather M. Daigle, and Arturo Hernandez


A contemporary review of sudden cardiac arrest and death in competitive and recreational athletes, Jonathan H. Kim, Matthew W. Martinez, J Sawalla Guseh, Sheela Krishnan, Belinda Gray, Kimberly G. Harmon, Michael Papadakis, Dermot M. Phelan, Katie Stewart, Benjamin D. Levine, and Aaron L. Baggish


The relationship between adverse childhood experiences and disorders of the gut-brain interaction, Julia Fritz, Rachel Coffey, Jackson Bloch, Anya Cutler, Sarah Gabrielson, Stephen DiGiovanni, and Laura J. Faherty


Mid-Childhood Plasma Concentrations of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances, Modifiable Lifestyle Factors, and Bone Mineral Density Through Late Adolescence, Lisa B. Rokoff, Sheryl L. Rifas-Shiman, Izzuddin M. Aris, Pi-I D. Lin, Clifford J. Rosen, and Abby F. Fleisch


Strategies for implementing an electronic patient-reported outcomes-based symptom management program across six cancer centers, Michael Hassett, Samira Dias, Christine Cronin, Deborah Schrag, Nadine McCleary, Jessica Bian, and James Reich


Calorie restriction induces mandible bone loss by regulating mitochondrial function, Linyi Liu, Phuong T. Le, Victoria E. DeMambro, Tiange Feng, Hanghang Liu, and Clifford J. Rosen


Integrating an industrial hygienist into the infection prevention and control program, Angelique Dains, Spencer Baker, Takaaki Kobayashi, Stephanie Holley, Daniel Diekema, and Karen Brust


Comparison of open and endovascular left subclavian artery revascularization for zone 2 thoracic endovascular aortic repair, Tim J. Mandigers, Sara Allievi, and Kristina Giles


Editorial: Artificial intelligence and multimodal medical imaging data fusion for improving cardiovascular disease care, Saeed Amal, Douglas Sawyer, and Arda Könik


Herpes Gladiatorum in College-Aged Wrestler, Joseph M. Minichiello, TImothy Fleming, Karen Olson, Brian Malley, and Lauren Wendell


Individualizing care for patients with gallbladder cancer, Laura M. Nicolais and Timothy Fitzgerald


Magnitude of obesity alone does not alter the alveolar lipidome, William G. Tharp, Carolyn R. Morris, Yulica Santos-Ortega, and Calvin Vary


Primary Pulmonary Choriocarcinoma With Lymph Node Metastasis: A Case Report and Brief Review, Chinedu Okoli, Brianna Philbrick, and Syed Quadri


Seven years of the transcarotid artery revascularization surveillance project, comparison to transfemoral stenting and endarterectomy, Sabrina Straus, Sai Divya Yadavalli, and Jens Eldrup-Jorgensen


The European Discovery of American Surgery Volume 1: Land of Unlimited Possibilities, David Clark


Platelet FcγRIIa as a Marker of Cardiovascular Risk After Myocardial Infarction, David J. Schneider, Sean R. McMahon, and Patrick Hohl


Cellular Characteristics and Protein Signatures of Human Adipose Tissues from Donors With or Without Advanced Coronary Artery Disease, Caitlin P. Ellis, Benjamin W. Tero, Christian M. Potts, Kimberly T. Malka, Xuehui Yang, Joshua Hamilton, Calvin Vary, Andre Khalil, and Lucy Liaw


Awake Supraglottic Airway Placement in Pediatric Patients for Airway Obstruction or Difficult Intubation: Insights From an International Airway Registry (PeDI), Mckenna Longacre, Raymond S. Park, and Jonathan Meserve


Intravascular ultrasound in the assessment of coronary artery anomalies in young patients: a tertiary center experience, Mounica Y. Rao, Lindsay F. Eilers, and Ziyad Binsalamah


Association of inpatient and outpatient pediatric palliative care with healthcare utilization and end-of-life outcomes in pediatric oncology, Rebecca L. Shamah and Elizabeth George


Association between community distress and return to work after burn injury, Lauren L. Agoubi, Scha'Chia Murphy, Kara McMullen, Gretchen J. Carrougher, Stephanie A. Mason, and Damien Carter


A qualitative study of how structural vulnerability shaped COVID-19 testing behaviors in Portland, Maine, Michael Kohut PhD, Gloria Sclar, Leslie Nicoll, Caroline Fernandes, Andrew Volkers, and Ann Tucker


Associations of ethnicity, skin tone, and genome-wide sequencing with bone mineral density in adolescents, Catherine M. Gordon, Abby F. Fleisch, Marie-France Hivert, Lisa B. Rokoff, Sheryl L. Rifas-Shiman, Jean L. Raphael, and Emily Oken


Effects of non-pharmaceutical interventions on COVID-19 transmission: rapid review of evidence from Italy, the United States, the United Kingdom, and China, Laura J. Faherty, Pedro Nascimento de Lima, Jing Zhi Lim, Derek Roberts, Sarah Karr, and Emily Lawson


Prevalence and Genetic Diversity of Deer Tick Virus (Powassan Virus, Lineage II) in Ixodes scapularis Ticks in Five Habitats at a Nature Reserve in Southern Maine, United States, Rebecca M. Robich, Anne Piantadosi, Susan P. Elias, Danielle S. Cosenza, Elizabeth F. Schneider, Lindsay Baxter, Erin LaFon, Charles B. Lubelczyk, Molly Meagher, Chantal B. Vogels, and Robert P. Smith


Brown fat ATP-citrate lyase links carbohydrate availability to thermogenesis and guards against metabolic stress, Ekaterina D. Korobkina, Camila Martinez Calejman, John A. Haley, Miranda E. Kelly, Huawei Li, Maria Gaughan, Qingbo Chen, and Matthew D. Lynes


Higher FSH Level Is Associated With Increased Risk Of Incident Hip Fracture In Older Adults, Independent Of Sex Hormones, Eileen H. Koh, Susan K. Ewing, Sigurdur Sigurdsson, Vilmundur Gudnason, Trisha F. Hue, Eric Vittinghoff, Claes Ohlsson, Åsa Tivesten, Louise Grahnemo, Tony Yuen, Mone Zaidi, Clifford J. Rosen, Ann V. Schwartz, and Anne L. Schafer


Comparison of two modeling approaches for the identification of predictors of complications in children with cerebral palsy following spine surgery, Rachel L. Difazio, Tania D. Strout, Judith A. Vessey, Jay G. Berry, and Daniel G. Whitney


Evaluating the safety and efficacy of medical management in extracranial pseudoaneurysms: a comparative study, Jean Filo, Felipe Ramirez-Velandia, Donna Lawlor, Michael Young, Samuel D. Pettersson, Thomas B. Fodor, and Robert D. Ecker


Lowering the Carbon Footprint Through Telehealth Vasectomy Consults: A Retrospective Observational Study, Paul J. Wurtz, Emma Harwood, Thomas E. Schroeder, and Christopher M. Deibert


Adolescent Male With Sudden, Severe Onset Right Groin Pain, Michael Hofer, Carl A. Germann, Peter Croft, and Timothy Sweeney


Approach to Acute Dizziness/Vertigo in the Emergency Department: Selected Controversies Regarding Specialty Consultation, Madeleine M. Puissant, Susan Giampalmo, Charles R. Wira, Joshua N. Goldstein, and David E. Newman-Toker


Challenges and Opportunities in Developing a Comprehensive, Rural, Trauma-Care Program: Experiences from Nepal, Ramu Kharel, Mandeep Pathak, Derek Lubetkin, and Bibhav Acharya


Effect of Phenobarbital-Based Alcohol Withdrawal Protocol on Provider Practice and Patient Outcomes-A Quality Improvement Study, Nicolette Centanni, Taylor Mezoian, John Gilboy, Jessica Evans, Nicole Hudak, Wendy Craig, and Lesley Gordon


Induction of remission after donor lymphocyte infusion following allogeneic transplant in a case of pediatric primary myelofibrosis, Amy Li, Sei-Gyung K. Sze, Malika Kapadia, Leslie Lehmann, Jacob R. Bledsoe, and Alyssa L. Kennedy


In nondiabetic C57BL/6J mice, canagliflozin affects the skeleton in a sex- and age-dependent manner, Carolyn Chlebek, Casey McAndrews, Samantha N. Costa, Victoria E. DeMambro, Shoshana Yakar, and Clifford J. Rosen


Library Support of Employee Engagement and Wellness, Amy Moore


Using Longitudinal Surveillance of Unemployment Claims During Public Health Emergencies to Provide Timely and Granular Data on the Social Determinants of Health, Joie D. Acosta, Laura J. Faherty, and Margaret M. Weden

Providing Survivorship Care for a Young Adult With a History of Blood Cancer, Lauren Boehm, Nadine Linendoll, Rachel Murphy-Banks, Jenica Upshaw, In Baek, and Susan Parsons


Development and Evaluation of a Rural Longitudinal NRP® Telesimulation Program (MOOSE: Maine Ongoing Outreach Simulation Education), Misty Melendi, Allison E. Zanno, Jeffrey Holmes, Micheline Chipman, Anya K. Cutler, Henry Stoddard, Leah Mallory, Leah M. Seften, Anna Gilbert, Mary Ottolini, and Alexa Craig


Latest on Anabolic Agents for Osteoporosis Treatment, Luigi di Filippo and Clifford J. Rosen


Feasibility of Fever Prevention in Vascular Brain Injury, Teresa May and Lori Shutter


Role of patient-provider communication on older adults' preferences for continuing colorectal cancer testing and visit satisfaction, Aisha T. Langford, Kathrene Valentine, Leigh H. Simmons, Kathleen Fairfield, and Karen Sepucha


Socioeconomic and Urban-Rural Disparities in Genome-Matched Treatment Receipt and Survival after Genomic Tumor Testing, Jessica F. DiBiase, Elizabeth Scharnetzki, Emily Edelman, E Kate Reed, Susan Miesfeldt, Cara Frankenfeld, Paul K. J. Han, and Eric C. Anderson


Integrating Behavioral Health Into Monitoring and Surveillance During Public Health Emergencies: Challenges and Opportunities, Laura J. Faherty, Sara J. Vagi, Mary Leinhos, Robin E. Soler, and Joie D. Acosta


Prevalent Metformin Use in Adults With Diabetes and the Incidence of Long COVID: An EHR-Based Cohort Study From the RECOVER Program, Steven G. Johnson, Sajjad Abedian, Til Stürmer, Jared D. Huling, Colby Lewis V, and Clifford J. Rosen


Call to action: Blueprint for change in acute and critical care nursing, Martha A. Curley, Margarete L. Zalon, Maureen A. Seckel, Anne W. Alexandrov, Lauren R. Sorce, and Devin Carr


Epigenetic Changes in the HTR8 and 3A-sub E placental Cell Lines Exposed to Bisphenol A and Benzyl Butyl Phthalate, Christian Litton, Paula Benny, Luca Lambertini, and Yula Ma


Severe Presentations of Cannabis Toxicity in a PICU, William A. White, Michael E. Zubrow, Anya Cutler, Wendy Craig, and Jillian Gregory


Population-based estimates of major forms of housing insecurity among community-living older Americans, Lucero G. Paredes, Yi Wang, Danya E. Keene, and Thomas Gill


A Coproduced Family Reporting Intervention to Improve Safety Surveillance and Reduce Disparities, Alisa Khan, Jennifer Baird, Sangeeta Mauskar, Helen W. Haskell, and Amanda McGeachey


Primary adrenal insufficiency in adults: When to suspect, how to diagnose and manage, Michelle D. Lundholm, Jayachidambaram Ambalavanan, and Pratibha Pr Rao


Root cause analysis of cases involving diagnosis, Mark L. Graber, Gerard M. Castro, Missy Danforth, Jean-Luc Tilly, Michael P. Tozier, and Robert Trowbridge Jr


Communicating with Parents About Therapeutic Hypothermia and Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy: Integrating a Palliative Care Approach into Practice, Alexa K. Craig, Sara Munoz-Blanco, Betsy Pilon, and Monica Lemmon


Differentiating monogenic and syndromic obesities from polygenic obesity: Assessment, diagnosis, and management, Angela K. Fitch, Sonali Malhotra, and Rushika Conroy


Improving access to first-line treatment for pediatric obesity: Lessons from the dissemination of SmartMoves, Emily Benjamin Finn, Caroline V. Keller, Marissa A. Gowey, Mary Savoye, Stephanie Samuels, Abby F. Fleisch, and Victoria W. Rogers


Mitigating Misinformation Toolkit: Addressing COVID-19 Misinformation Through Interprofessional Learning and Collaboration Using a Standardized Patient-Based Educational Module, Jennifer Hayman, Sara W. Nelson, Leah A. Mallory, Emily K. Dornblaser, Linda H. Chaudron, Christine Mallar, Bethany Rocheleau, Isaac Stickney, and Brendan Prast


Perspectives on benefits and risks of creation of an "injection drug use" billing code, Gayathri Sundaram, Taisuke Sato, David Goodman-Meza, Marwan Haddad, Kinna Thakarar, Judith Feinberg, Sandra A. Springer, Kerri Barton, and Nikki Butler


Program Signaling in Emergency Medicine: The 2022-2023 Program Director Experience, Alexis E. Pelletier-Bui, Timothy Fallon, Liza Smith, and Tania Strout


In Support of the Decriminalization of Personal Drug and Paraphernalia Use and Possession: Position Statement of AMERSA, Inc (Association for Multidisciplinary Education, Research, Substance Use and Addiction), Katherine Hill, Katherine Dunham, Kristin Doneski, Kimberly L. Sue, and Kinna Thakarar


Creating Optimal Clinical Learning Environments Through Interprofessional Bedside Rounding Models: Lessons From the iPACE Story, Sarah Hallen, Melissa I. Zelaya, Patti White, and Kalli Varaklis


Network analysis of brain and bone tissue transcripts reveals shared molecular mechanisms underlying Alzheimer's Disease and related dementias (ADRD) and Osteoporosis, Archana Nagarajan, Jason Laird, Obiadada Ugochukwu, Sjur Reppe, Kaare Gautvik, Ryan D. Ross, David A. Bennett, and Clifford J. Rosen


Recurrent pneumonia in an otherwise healthy child, Adila Abulhamail, Yanki Okuducu, Pallavi Sagar, Bernard Kinane, Ina St Onge, Anne Coates, and Benjamin A. Nelson


Every Crisis Is an Opportunity: Advancing Blood Culture Stewardship During a Blood Culture Bottle Shortage, Jonathan H. Ryder, Trevor C. Van Schooneveld, Daniel J. Diekema, and Valeria Fabre


Clinical Implications of New Drinking Water Regulation for "Forever Chemicals", Rachel Criswell, Abby F. Fleisch, and Alan Ducatman


ScreenDMT reveals DiHOMEs are replicably inversely associated with BMI and stimulate adipocyte calcium influx, Jonathan M. Dreyfuss, Vera Djordjilović, Hui Pan, Valerie Bussberg, Allison M. MacDonald, Niven R. Narain, Michael A. Kiebish, Matthias Blüher, Yu-Hua Tseng, and Matthew D. Lynes


Gastric Cancer Detection with Ensemble Learning on Digital Pathology: Use Case of Gastric Cancer on GasHisSDB Dataset, Govind Rajesh Mudavadkar, Mo Deng, Salah Mohammed Al-Heejawi, Isha Hemant Arora, Anne Breggia, Bilal Ahmad, Robert Christman, and Stephen Ryan


Ultrasound-Guided Peripheral Intravenous Access Training: A Prospective Observational Study of Emergency Nurses., Hillary McKinley, Weeden Bauman, Erik Christensen, Peter Croft, David Mackenzie, Samantha Fillebrown, and Christina Wilson


Pediatric subspecialty outreach clinics: reach and impact on access to care, James C. Bohnhoff, Anya Cutler, Sean Hagenbuch, and Kristen Kurland