Incorporated in 1868, MMC is the state’s largest medical center, licensed for 700 beds and employing more than 9,600 people. MaineHealth Maine Medical Center’s unique role as both a community hospital and a referral center requires an unparalleled depth and breadth of services, including the state’s only allopathic medical school program, through a partnership with Tufts University School of Medicine, and a world-class biomedical research center, the MaineHealth Institute for Research.


Submissions from 2022


Update on the Personal and Professional Well-Being of Surgical Residents in New England, Andrew C. Esposito, Nathan A. Coppersmith, Erin M. White, Marianna V. Papageorge, Michael DiSiena, Donald Hess, Jennifer LaFemina, Anne C. Larkin, Thomas J. Miner, Dmitry Nepomnayshy, John Palesty, Kari M. Rosenkranz, Neal E. Seymour, Gino Trevisani, James Whiting, Kristin D. Oliveira, Walter E. Longo, and Peter S. Yoo


Silk Hydrogel-Mediated Delivery of Bone Morphogenetic Protein 7 Directly to Subcutaneous White Adipose Tissue Increases Browning and Energy Expenditure, Kristy L. Townsend, Eleanor Pritchard, Jeannine M. Coburn, Young Mi Kwon, Magdalena Blaszkiewicz, Matthew D. Lynes, David L. Kaplan, and Yu-Hua Tseng


Klotho in Osx-mesenchymal progenitors exerts pro-osteogenic and anti-inflammatory effects during mandibular alveolar bone formation and repair, Yi Fan, Chen Cui, Clifford J. Rosen, Tadatoshi Sato, Ruoshi Xu, Peiran Li, Xi Wei, Ruiye Bi, Quan Yuan, and Chenchen Zhou

Antithrombotic Therapy After Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation, James V. Freeman, Angela Y. Higgins, Yongfei Wang, Chengan Du, Daniel J. Friedman, Usama A. Daimee, Karl E. Minges, Lucy Pereira, Andrew M. Goldsweig, Matthew J. Price, Vivek Y. Reddy, Douglas Gibson, Shephal K. Doshi, Paul D. Varosy, Frederick A. Masoudi, and Jeptha P. Curtis


Antithrombotic Therapy After Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation, James V. Freeman, Angela Y. Higgins, Yongfei Wang, Chengan Du, Daniel J. Friedman, Usama A. Daimee, Karl E. Minges, Lucy Pereira, Andrew M. Goldsweig, Matthew J. Price, Vivek Y. Reddy, Douglas Gibson, Shephal K. Doshi, Paul D. Varosy, Frederick A. Masoudi, and Jeptha P. Curtis


Antithrombotic Therapy After Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation., James V Freeman, Angela Y Higgins, Yongfei Wang, Chengan Du, Daniel J Friedman, Usama A Daimee, Karl E Minges, Lucy Pereira, Andrew M Goldsweig, Matthew J Price, Vivek Y Reddy, Douglas Gibson, Shephal K Doshi, Paul D Varosy, Frederick A Masoudi, and Jeptha P Curtis


The New England Neurosurgical Society: growth and evolution over 70 years, Andy Y. Wang, Vaishnavi Sharma, Wenya Linda Bi, William T. Curry, Jeffrey E. Florman, Michael W. Groff, Carl B. Heilman, Jennifer Hong, James Kryzanski, S Scott Lollis, Gerald T. McGillicuddy, Jennifer Moliterno, Christopher S. Ogilvy, Dennis S. Oh, Adetokunbo A. Oyelese, Mark R. Proctor, Perry A. Shear, Andrew E. Wakefield, Robert G. Whitmore, and Ron I. Riesenburger


Effect of Early vs Standard Approach to Tracheostomy on Functional Outcome at 6 Months Among Patients With Severe Stroke Receiving Mechanical Ventilation: The SETPOINT2 Randomized Clinical Trial, Julian Bösel, Wolf-Dirk Niesen, Farid Salih, Nicholas A. Morris, Jeremy T. Ragland, Bryan Gough, Hauke Schneider, Jan-Oliver Neumann, David Y. Hwang, Phani Kantamneni, Michael L. James, William D. Freeman, Venkatakrishna Rajajee, Chethan Venkatasubba Rao, Deepak Nair, Laura Benner, Jan Meis, Christina Klose, Meinhard Kieser, José I. Suarez, Silvia Schönenberger, and David B. Seder


Management of Venous Thromboembolism in Morbid Obesity With Rivaroxaban or Warfarin, Paige Weaver, Tsz Hin Ng, Thomas Breeden, Stephanie B. Edwin, and Bradley Haan


Using Experience Sampling Methodology Data to Characterize the Substance Use of Youth With or At-Risk of Psychosis, David M. Weiss, Elizabeth Bernier, Douglas R. Robbins, Katherine M. Elacqua, Kelsey A. Johnson, Kate Powers, Raquelle I. Mesholam-Gately, and Kristen A. Woodberry


Pharmacist-Driven Transitions of Care Practice Model for Prescribing Oral Antimicrobials at Hospital Discharge, Nicholas J. Mercuro, Corey J. Medler, Rachel M. Kenney, Nancy C. MacDonald, Melinda M. Neuhauser, Lauri A. Hicks, Arjun Srinivasan, George Divine, Amy Beaulac, Erin Eriksson, Ronald Kendall, Marilen Martinez, Allison Weinmann, Marcus Zervos, and Susan L. Davis


Ambulatory Medication Safety in Primary Care: A Systematic Review, Richard A. Young, Kimberly G. Fulda, Anna Espinoza, Ayse P. Gurses, Zachary N. Hendrix, Timothy Kenny, and Yan Xiao


Anomalous Left Coronary Artery Arising from the Pulmonary Artery (ALCAPA): The Critically Important Role of Color Flow Doppler in Identifying a Rare Intramural Course, David J. Harrison, David A. Kane, Sitaram M. Emani, Stephen P. Sanders, Thomas A. Miller, and Gerald R. Marx


AOASM Position Statement on Esports, Active Video Gaming, and the Role of the Sports Medicine Physician, R Robert Franks, Dominic King, Warren Bodine, Emanuele Chisari, Alan Heller, Faraz Jamal, John Luksch, Kate Quinn, Raunak Singh, and Mary Solomon


Body composition in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis subjects and its effect on disease progression and survival, Rup Tandan, Evan A. Levy, Diantha B. Howard, John Hiser, Nathan Kokinda, Swatee Dey, and Edward J. Kasarskis

Bringing anatomy to life: Evaluating a novel ultrasound curriculum in the anatomy laboratory, Rebecca S. Lufler, Margaret L. Davis, Linda M. Afifi, Robert F. Willson, and Peter E. Croft


Characterization of Human Cardiac Progenitor Cell Secretome, Michayla A. Moore, Barbara Conley, Eric Tweedie, Sergey Ryzhov, Doug Sawyer, and Calvin Vary


Current Barriers in Robotic Surgery Training for General Surgery Residents, Robert D. Shaw, Mark A. Eid, Josh Bleicher, Justine Broecker, Ben Caesar, Ryan Chin, Courtney Meyer, Anastasios Mitsakos, Allan E. Stolarksi, Lauren Theiss, Brigitte K. Smith, and Srinivas J. Ivatury


Feasibility of a Nurse Coached Walking Intervention for Informal Dementia Caregivers, Jane Flanagan, Kathryn Post, Rebecca Hill, and John DiPalazzo


Neuregulin-1β promotes myoblast differentiation and is anti-cachexic in respiratory muscles of post-infarcted swine, Braxton Hill, Van Thuan Nguyen, John H. Cleator, Douglas B. Sawyer, and Cristi L. Galindo


Out-of-hospital births and infant mortality in the United States: Effect measure modification by rural maternal residence, Elora A. Way, Jenny L. Carwile, Erika C. Ziller, and Katherine A. Ahrens


Promotion Preparation Tips for Academic Family Medicine Educators, Michelle K. Keating, Magdalena Pasarica, Mark B. Stephens, Joanna Drowos, Amy Clithero-Eridon, Jennifer Hartmark-Hill, Maria Syl de la Cruz, Matthew Holley, Vicki Hayes, Andrea Berry, Kimberly S. Schiel, and Frances E. Biagioli


Prospective Validation of Sedation Scale Scores That Identify Light Sedation: A Pilot Study, Caitlin Brown, Pasquale Joseph Marotta, Richard R. Riker, Ashley D. Eldridge, Gilles L. Fraser, and Teresa L. May


Using machine learning to predict internal rotation after anatomic and reverse total shoulder arthroplasty, Vikas Kumar, Bradley S. Schoch, Christine Allen, Steve Overman, Ankur Teredesai, William Aibinder, Moby Parsons, Jonathan Watling, Jiawei Kevin Ko, Bruno Gobbato, Thomas Throckmorton, Howard Routman, and Christopher Roche


Woman With Chest Wall Bruising, Joshua Rehberg, John Nicholas Hansen, and David C. Mackenzie


Neuregulin (NRG-1β) Is Pro-Myogenic and Anti-Cachectic in Respiratory Muscles of Post-Myocardial Infarcted Swine, Cristi L. Galindo, Van Thuan Nguyen, Braxton Hill, Ethan Easterday, John H. Cleator, and Douglas B. Sawyer


The treatment approach to pediatric non-rhabdomyosarcoma soft tissue sarcomas: a critical review from the INternational Soft Tissue SaRcoma ConsorTium, Andrea Ferrari, Daniel Orbach, Monika Sparber-Sauer, David O. Walterhouse, Kristian W. Pajtler, William H. Meyer, Sheri L. Spunt, and Aaron R. Weiss


Do-not-resuscitate (DNR) status and major depressive disorder (MDD): Clinical association and hospitalization outcomes., David Hyung Won Oh, Matthew J Salzler, Rachel L Bernstein, and Christopher W Racine


Acute echocardiographic and hemodynamic response to his-bundle pacing in patients with first-degree atrioventricular block, Zak Loring, Fredrik Holmqvist, Edward Sze, Fawaz Alenezi, Kristen Campbell, Jason I. Koontz, Eric J. Velazquez, Brett D. Atwater, Tristram D. Bahnson, and James P. Daubert


Correction to: The Potential Proconvulsant Effects of Cannabis: a Scoping Review, Eric E. Kaczor, Kevin Greene, Jennifer Zacharia, Laura Tormoehlen, Mark Neavyn, and Stephanie Carreiro


The Amniotic Fluid Index and Oligohydramnios: A Deeper Dive into the Shallow End, Joseph R. Wax and Michael G. Pinette


Design and methods for the training in exercise activities and motion for growth (TEAM 4 growth) trial: A randomized controlled trial, Linda M. Lambert, Victoria L. Pemberton, Felicia L. Trachtenberg, Karen Uzark, Frances Woodard, Jessica E. Teng, Jessica Bainton, Shanelle Clarke, Lindsey Justice, Marcie R. Meador, Jessica Riggins, Mary Suhre, Donna Sylvester, Samantha Butler, and Thomas A. Miller


Spontaneous resolution of severe idiopathic T cell lymphopenia, Saddiq B. Habiballah, Jennifer S. Whangbo, Ivan D. Cardona, and Craig D. Platt


Does a Bleeding Disorder Lessen the Efficacy of the 52-mg Levonorgestrel-Releasing Intrauterine System for Heavy Menstrual Bleeding in Adolescents? A Retrospective Multicenter Study, Misha Khalighi, Allison P. Wheeler, Oluyemisi A. Adeyemi-Fowode, Peter A. Kouides, Ramon A. Durazo-Arvizu, Kristina Haley, Candice M. Dersch, Angela C. Weyand, Maureen K. Baldwin, and Claudia Borzutzky


The Rare Disease Research Scholars Program: A training curriculum for clinical researchers with mixed methods evaluation study, Debra S. Regier, Jennifer A. Weaver, Nancy Cheng, Mark L. Batshaw, Mary Ottolini, Michael E. Shy, and Marshall L. Summar


A Formative Mixed-Methods Study of Emotional Responsiveness in Telepalliative Care, Rebecca N. Hutchinson, Eric C. Anderson, Mollie A. Ruben, Noah Manning, Liam John, Ava Daruvala, Donna M. Rizzo, Margaret J. Eppstein, Robert Gramling, and Paul K. Han


Test-A Formative Mixed-Methods Study of Emotional Responsiveness in Telepalliative Care., Rebecca N Hutchinson, Eric C Anderson, Mollie A Ruben, Noah Manning, Liam John, Ava Daruvala, Donna M Rizzo, Margaret J Eppstein, Robert Gramling, and Paul K J Han


Providing Gender-Affirmative Care During the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Pandemic Era: Experiences and Perspectives from Pediatric Endocrinologists in the United States, Janet Y. Lee, Toni Eimicke, Jennifer L. Rehm, Kara J. Connelly, and Stephanie A. Roberts


Perceptions and tolerance of uncertainty: relationship to trust in COVID-19 health information and vaccine hesitancy, Arielle S. Gillman, Liz Scharnetzki, Patrick Boyd, Rebecca A. Ferrer, William M. Klein, and Paul K. Han


The Cost of Frailty in Complex Gastrointestinal Surgery, Roberto J. Vidri, Abdimajid Mohamed, Joseph D. Mack, Dougald MacGillivray, and Timothy L. Fitzgerald


Chronic myocardial and coronary arterial effects of intracoronary supersaturated oxygen therapy in swine with normal and ischemic-reperfused myocardium, Grzegorz L. Kaluza, Jeffrey L. Creech, Ariel Furer, Maxwell E. Afari, Krzysztof Milewski, Geng-Hua Yi, Yanping Cheng, Gerard B. Conditt, Jenn C. McGregor, Donald Blum, Serge D. Rousselle, Juan F. Granada, and Daniel Burkhoff


Effectiveness of a Self-Management Program to Improve Cognition and Quality of Life in Epilepsy: A Pragmatic, Randomized, Multicenter Trial, Nicholas Alexius Streltzov, Samantha Schmidt, Lindsay Schommer, Wenyan Zhao, Tor Tosteson, Morgan Mazanec, Elaine Kiriakopoulos, Felicia Chu, Heidi Henninger, Keith Nagle, Robert Roth, and Barbara Jobst


Fast tracking in cardiac surgery: is it safe?, Jeffrey B. MacLeod, Kenneth D'Souza, Christie Aguiar, Craig D. Brown, Zlatko Pozeg, Christopher White, Rakesh C. Arora, Jean-François Légaré, and Ansar Hassan


Bone marrow adipose tissue in metabolic health, Gisela Pachón-Peña and Miriam A. Bredella


Interprofessional bedside rounding improves quality of feedback to resident physicians, Lesley B. Gordon, Melissa Zelaya-Floyd, Patricia White, Sarah Hallen, Kalli Varaklis, and Motahareh Tavakolikashi


A Case of Cefepime-Induced Immune Thrombocytopenia, Rebecca Bystrom, Minkey Wungwattana, and Vatche Tchekmedyian


A Commentary on "Factors Contributing to Efficient Recanalization Procedures for Chronic Total Occlusion of the Superficial Femoral Artery", Robert E. Beasley and Jesse Martin


An update on rhabdomyosarcoma risk stratification and the rationale for current and future Children's Oncology Group clinical trials, Josephine H. Haduong, Christine M. Heske, Wendy Allen-Rhoades, Wei Xue, Lisa A. Teot, David A. Rodeberg, Sarah S. Donaldson, Aaron Weiss, Douglas S. Hawkins, and Rajkumar Venkatramani


Cardiac Surgery Outcomes: A Case for Increased Screening and Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Seth Wolf, Candice Wolf, Tessa C. Cattermole, Hannah J. Rando, Walter F. DeNino, Alexander Iribarne, Cathy S. Ross, Niveditta Ramkumar, Daniel J. Gelb, Bethany Bourcier, Benjamin M. Westbrook, and Bruce J. Leavitt


Collaborative care when older adults fall: The benefits of geriatric consultation for trauma patients aged 75 years and older, Amanda R. Roberts, Carolyne R. Falank, Julianne B. Ontengco, Emily Carter MD, and Sarah A. Hallen


Commentary: Doctor, your patient is bleeding, Robert S. Kramer


Controversies and challenges in the management of paediatric non-rhabdomyosarcoma soft tissue sarcomas, Andrea Ferrari, Sheri L. Spunt, Monika Sparber-Sauer, David O. Walterhouse, Kristian W. Pajtler, William H. Meyer, Daniel Orbach, and Aaron Weiss


Diversity, Inclusion, and Health Equity in Academic Family Medicine, Christine K. Jacobs, Montgomery Douglas, Paul Ravenna, Elisabeth Wilson, Cleveland Piggott, Timothy Chrusciel, and Harry Strothers


Effect of a Novel Mindfulness Curriculum on Burnout During Pediatric Internship: A Cluster Randomized Clinical Trial, Yarden S. Fraiman, Christine C. Cheston, Howard J. Cabral, Celeste Allen, Andrea G. Asnes, Jefferson T. Barrett, Maneesh Batra, William Bernstein, Tammy Bleeker, Pam M. Dietz, Joanna Lewis, Su-Ting T. Li, T Marsha Ma, John D. Mahan, Catherine D. Michelson, Sue E. Poynter, Mark A. Vining, Katherine Watson, and Colin M. Sox


Effect of Antibiotic Duration in Emergency General Surgery Patients with Intra-Abdominal Infection Managed with Open vs Closed Abdomen, Jose J. Diaz, Martin D. Zielinski, Amanda M. Chipman, Lindsay O'Meara, Thomas Schroeppel, Daniel Cullinane, Thomas Shoultz, and Stephen L. Barnes


Epistemic Beliefs: Relationship to Future Expectancies and Quality of Life in Cancer Patients., Paul K J Han, Elizabeth Scharnetzki, Eric Anderson, John DiPalazzo, Tania D Strout, Caitlin Gutheil, F Lee Lucas, Emily Edelman, and Jens Rueter


Feeding outcomes in post-discharge feeding clinic for infants following cardiac surgery., Courtney Jones, Melissa Winder, Zhining Ou, Thomas A Miller, Lauren Malik, Moira Flannery, and Kristi Glotzbach


Injury Trends in Special Olympics Athletes From the 2018 USA Games, Bram Newman, Jessie Fudge, Amy Haskins, Christina Holt, and William Dexter


Non-pharmaceutical interventions and COVID-19 cases in US summer camps: results from an American Camp Association survey, Helen H. Suh, Julianne Meehan, Laura Blaisdell, and Laurie Browne


Pain Management Considerations in Patients With Opioid Use Disorder Requiring Critical Care, Kathryn Smith, Michelle Wang, Ruslan Abdukalikov, Amy McAullife, Dena Whitesell, Janelle Richard, William Sauer, and Aurora Quaye


Perceptions Regarding the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic's Impact on Neurocritical Care Delivery: Results From a Global Survey, Abhijit V. Lele, Sarah Wahlster, Bhunyawee Alunpipachathai, Meron Awraris Gebrewold, Sherry H-Y Chou, Gretchen Crabtree, Shane English, and Caroline Der-Nigoghossian


Saturated and Unsaturated Bone Marrow Lipids Have Distinct Effects on Bone Density and Fracture Risk in Older Adults, Gina N. Woods, Susan K. Ewing, Anne L. Schafer, Vilmundur Gudnason, Sigurdur Sigurdsson, Thomas Lang, Trisha F. Hue, Deborah M. Kado, Eric Vittinghoff, Clifford Rosen, Xiaojuan Li, and Ann V. Schwartz


Severe hemorrhage due to acquired uterine arteriovenous malformation/fistula following first-trimester aspiration abortion: A case report, Kathryn E. Sharpless, India I. Pappas, Ethan M. Dobrow, Matthew Moccia, Alison Bates, Michael G. Pinette, and Maureen Paul


Test Non-pharmaceutical interventions and COVID-19 cases in US summer camps: results from an American Camp Association survey., Helen H Suh, Julianne Meehan, Laura Blaisdell, and Laurie Browne


The effects of pazopanib on doxorubicin pharmacokinetics in children and adults with non-rhabdomyosarcoma soft tissue sarcoma: a report from Children's Oncology Group and NRG Oncology study ARST1321, J Gartrell, J C. Panetta, S D. Baker, Y L. Chen, D S. Hawkins, A Ostrenga, T J. Scharschmidt, S L. Spunt, D Wang, and A R. Weiss


To Pack a Nose: High-Fidelity Epistaxis Simulation Using 3D Printing Technology, Rebecca W. Gao, Deborah Rooney, Rebecca Harvey, Kelly M. Malloy, and Kyle K. VanKoevering

Traumatic Brain Injury in Older Adults: Characteristics, Outcomes, and Considerations. Results From the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma Geriatric Traumatic Brain Injury (GERI-TBI) Multicenter Trial, Mira Ghneim, Karen Brasel, Roumen Vesselinov, Jennifer Albrecht, and Anna Liveris


Use of electronic health record messaging to manage patients with pregnancy of unknown location, Amy Markese, Shawna Tonick, Alida O. Leavitt, Jessica Hall, and Margo S. Harrison


Concordance of Guideline-Based Risk Stratification and Selection of Patients for Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation or Surgical Replacement, Toishi Sharma, Althea J. Tapales, Cathy S. Ross, David J. Malenka, James M. Flynn, Michael Ferguson, Michael N. Young, Samip Vasaiwala, Robert S. Kramer, Alexander Iribarne, and Harold L. Dauerman


Myopia in the Diagnosis of Marfan Syndrome: An Important Early Sign of a Systemic Condition., Bhavini B Prajapati and Jennifer Monti


The Potential Proconvulsant Effects of Cannabis: a Scoping Review, Eric E. Kaczor, Kevin Greene, Jennifer Zacharia, Laura Tormoehlen, Mark Neavyn, and Stephanie Carreiro


Contemporary Incidence, Outcomes and Survival Associated with EVAR Conversion to Open Repair Among Medicare Beneficiaries., Bjoern D Suckow, Salvatore T. Scalli, Philip P. Goodney, Art Sedrakyan, Jialin Mao, Xinyan Zheng, Andrew Hoel, Kristina Giles-Magnifico, Michol A. Cooper, Nicholas H. Osborne, Peter Henke, Andres Schanzer, Danica Marinac-Dabic, and David H. Stone


Body Contour Surgery After Weight Loss Operations by a Non-Specialty Surgeon in a Rural Hospital, Molly P. Burgess, Rocco S. Ciraulo, Giovanni E. Ciraulo, Bethany F. Sheets, and Nicolas A. Ciraulo


Recurrent Podocytopathy after Kidney Transplantation, Neetika Garg and Arjang Djamali


Missing the Goal with the 2021 ACC/AHA/SCAI Guideline for Coronary Artery Revascularization, Marc Ruel, Anne Williams, Maral Ouzounian, Louise Sun, Jean-Francois Légaré, Paul Poirier, Tarek Malas, Michael E. Farkouh, Edgar Chedrawy, Ansar Hassan, Jennifer Higgins, Kim Connelly, R Scott McClure, David Bewick, Richard Whitlock, Michelle Graham, and Rakesh C. Arora


Frequency and Geographic Distribution of Borrelia miyamotoi, Borrelia burgdorferi, and Babesia microti Infections in New England Residents, Demerise Johnston, Jill R. Kelly, Michel Ledizet, Nathalie Lavoie, Robert P. Smith, Jeffrey Parsonnet, Jonathan Schwab, John Stratidis, Scott Espich, Giyoung Lee, Kaitlin R. Maciejewski, Yanhong Deng, Victoria Majam, Hong Zheng, Sougr-Nooma Bonkoungou, June Stevens, Sanjai Kumar, and Peter J. Krause


Post-acute sequelae of COVID-19: A metabolic perspective, Philipp E. Scherer, John P. Kirwan, and Clifford J. Rosen


Parathyroid hormone (PTH) Regulation of Metabolic Homeostasis: An Old Dog Teaches Us New Tricks, Elizabeth Rendina-Ruedy and Clifford J. Rosen


THE SPECIALTY OF SURGICAL CRITICAL CARE: A WHITE PAPER FROM THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE SURGERY OF TRAUMA CRITICAL CARE COMMITTEE, Christopher P. Michetti, Jeffrey Nahmias, Erika L. Rangel, Joseph F. Rappold, Richard P. Gonzalez, Abhijit S. Pathak, and Krista Kaups


Transient Idiopathic Polyhydramnios: Maternal and Perinatal Outcomes: Maternal and Perinatal Outcomes, Joseph R. Wax, Angelina Cartin, Wendy Y. Craig, and Michael G. Pinette


Dermoscopy for the Identification of Amelanotic Acral Melanoma, Jenna E. Koblinski, Hadjh T. Ahrns, M Joel Morse, and Elizabeth V. Seiverling


Emergence of Ixodes scapularis (Acari: Ixodidae) in a Small Mammal Population in a Coastal Oak-Pine Forest, Maine, USA, Susan P. Elias, Jack W. Witham, Elizabeth F. Schneider, Peter W. Rand, Malcolm L. Hunter, Charles Lubelczyk, and Robert P. Smith


Exosomal Carboxypeptidase E (CPE) and CPE-shRNA-Loaded Exosomes Regulate Metastatic Phenotype of Tumor Cells, Sangeetha Hareendran, Bassam Albraidy, Xuyu Yang, Aiyi Liu, Anne Breggia, Clark C. Chen, and Y Peng Loh


Top Ten Tips Palliative Care Clinicians Should Know About Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy in the Context of Serious Illness, William E. Rosa, Zachary Sager, Megan Miller, Ilan Bernstein, Alden Doerner Rinaldi, Katie Addicott, Michael Ljuslin, Chris Adrian, Anthony L. Back, Jamie Beachy, Anthony P. Bossis, William S. Breitbart, Mary P. Cosimano, Stacy M. Fischer, Jeffrey Guss, Emma Knighton, Janis Phelps, Brian D. Richards, William A. Richards, James A. Tulsky, Monnica T. Williams, and Yvan Beaussant


R-Spondin2, a Positive Canonical WNT Signaling Regulator, Controls the Expansion and Differentiation of Distal Lung Epithelial Stem/Progenitor Cells in Mice, Ahmed A. Raslan, Youn Jeong Oh, Yong Ri Jin, and Jeong Kyo Yoon


Geographic Variation in Apical Support Procedures for Pelvic Organ Prolapse, Kristen A. Gerjevic, Helen Newton, Christopher Leggett, Jonathan Skinner, Elisabeth Erekson, and Kris Strohbehn


Growth and globalization of point-of-care ultrasound publications in emergency medicine, Campbell Belisle Haley, Dina McKelvy, and David C. Mackenzie


Clinical group and modified TNM stage for rhabdomyosarcoma: A review from the Children's Oncology Group, Jacquelyn N. Crane, Wei Xue, Amira Qumseya, Zhengya Gao, Carola A. Arndt, Sarah S. Donaldson, Douglas J. Harrison, Douglas S. Hawkins, Corinne M. Linardic, Leo Mascarenhas, William H. Meyer, David A. Rodeberg, Erin R. Rudzinski, Barry L. Shulkin, David O. Walterhouse, Rajkumar Venkatramani, and Aaron R. Weiss


Ceftriaxone to Prevent Pneumonia and Inflammation after Cardiac Arrest (PROTECT): study protocol for a randomized, placebo-controlled trial, David J. Gagnon, Sergey V. Ryzhov, Meghan A. May, Richard R. Riker, Bram Geller, Teresa L. May, Sarah Bockian, Joanne T. deKay, Ashley Eldridge, Thomas Van der Kloot, Patricia Lerwick, Christine Lord, F Lee Lucas, Patrick Mailloux, Barbara McCrum, Meghan Searight, Joel Wirth, Jonathan Zuckerman, Douglas Sawyer, and David B. Seder


The number of circulating CD26 expressing cells is decreased in critical COVID-19 illness, Joanne T. deKay, Teresa L. May, Richard R. Riker, Jonathan Rud, David J. Gagnon, Douglas B. Sawyer, David B. Seder, and Sergey Ryzhov


Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase Expression Marks a Population of Rare Adipose Tissue Stem Cells., Matthew D Lynes, Diana L Carlone, Kristy L Townsend, David T Breault, and Yu-Hua Tseng


This Article Corrects: "Gender-based Barriers in the Advancement of Women Leaders in Emergency Medicine: A Multi-institutional Qualitative Study", Emily M. Graham, Meganne N. Ferrel, Katie M. Wells, Daniel J. Egan, Casey Z. MacVane, Michael A. Gisondi, Boyd D. Burns, Troy E. Madsen, and Megan L. Fix


Quantitative content analysis of physician-involved work-related firearm violence in the United States, 2008-2017, Elizabeth Zamore, Wendy Craig, Michael G. Pinette, and Joseph R. Wax


AAPM Medical Physics Practice Guideline 12.a: Fluoroscopy dose management, Ryan F. Fisher, Kimberly E. Applegate, Lindsey K. Berkowitz, Olav Christianson, Jaydev K. Dave, Lindsay DeWeese, Nichole Harris, Mary Ellen Jafari, A Kyle Jones, Robert J. Kobistek, Brendan Loughran, Loren Marous, Donald L. Miller, Beth Schueler, Bryan C. Schwarz, Adam Springer, and Kevin A. Wunderle


Absence of central white patch in dermatofibromas presenting in darker skin., Tate Giddens, Elizabeth Seiverling, Ashfaq Marghoob, and Richard Usatine


A Sight For Sore Eyes, Cynthia Gaudet, Michelle Crispo, Xiangyu Wang, Michael Leslie, and Matthew Kerr


Cat got your artery? Point of care ultrasound in the evaluation of penetrating trauma by a feline: a case report, Campbell Belisle Haley and David Mackenzie


Complications after thoracic endovascular aortic repair for ruptured thoracic aortic aneurysms remain high compared with elective repair, Priya B. Patel, Christina L. Marcaccio, Livia E. de Guerre, Virendra I. Patel, Grace Wang, Kristina Giles, and Marc L. Schermerhorn


Corticosteroid Administration and Impaired Glycemic Control in Mechanically Ventilated COVID-19 Patients, David J. Douin, Martin Krause, Cynthia Williams, Kenji Tanabe, Ana Fernandez-Bustamante, Aurora N. Quaye, Adit A. Ginde, and Karsten Bartels


Developing an International Standard Set of Patient-Reported Outcome Measures for Psychotic Disorders, Emily McKenzie, Lucy Matkin, Luz Sousa Fialho, Ifeoma Nneka Emelurumonye, Timea Gintner, Cornelis L. Mulder, David Roe, Grant Sara, Farhad Shokraneh, and Kristen A. Woodberry