Incorporated in 1868, MMC is the state’s largest medical center, licensed for 700 beds and employing more than 9,600 people. MaineHealth Maine Medical Center’s unique role as both a community hospital and a referral center requires an unparalleled depth and breadth of services, including the state’s only allopathic medical school program, through a partnership with Tufts University School of Medicine, and a world-class biomedical research center, the MaineHealth Institute for Research.


Submissions from 2021


Supporting families in their child's journey with neonatal encephalopathy and therapeutic hypothermia, Betsy Pilon, Alexa K. Craig, Monica E. Lemmon, and Annie Goeller


Urinary stone disease prevalence and associations in cystic fibrosis., Jeremy F Wright, Wendy Craig, F L Lucas, David S Goldfarb, Jonathan B Zuckerman, and Eric N Taylor


Training in neonatal neurocritical care: a proposal for a hybrid model of competence by design and time-based methods., Khorshid Mohammad, Alexa K Craig, Taeun Chang, Emily W Y Tam, Mariam Ayed, Linda S de Vries, Mohamed A El-Dib, Michael J Esser, Donna M Ferriero, Lena Hellström-Westas, Steven P Miller, Janet S Soul, Brigitte Vollmer, Hannah C Glass, and Christopher D Smyser


How Well Does the Surprise Question Predict 1-year Mortality for Patients Admitted with COPD?, Dana Tripp, Jaclyn Janis, Benjamin Jarrett, F Lee Lucas, Tania D. Stout, Paul K J Han, Isabella Stumpf, and Rebecca N. Hutchinson


Notch1 and Notch2 collaboratively maintain radial glial cells in mouse neurogenesis, Shun Mase, Atsunori Shitamukai, Quan Wu, Mitsuru Morimoto, Thomas Gridley, and Fumio Matsuzaki


A Cystic Renal Mass in the Setting of a Pneumothorax: More Than Meets the Eye?, Daniel S. Han, David J. Chalmers, Brian Greffe, Timothy Garrington, David Partrick, Mark Lovell, Kami Wolfe Schneider, and Nicholas G. Cost


The influence of uncertainty and uncertainty tolerance on attitudes and self-efficacy about genomic tumor testing, Eric C. Anderson, Alexandra Hinton, Christine W. Lary, Tania Strout, Andrey Antov, Emily Edelman, Petra Helbig, Kate Reed, Jens Rueter, and Paul K. Han


Management of Minor Traumatic Brain Injury in an ED Observation Unit, Matthew A. Wheatley, Shikha Kapil, Amanda Lewis, Jessica Walsh O'Sullivan, Joshua Armentrout, Tim P. Moran, Anwar Osborne, Brooks L. Moore, Bryan Morse, Peter Rhee, Faiz Ahmad, and Hany Atallah


Decreasing Unplanned Extubations in the Neonatal ICU, Deborah A. Igo, Kimberly Kingsley, Elisabeth Malaspina, and Alan Picarillo


Influence of Opioid Prescription Policy on Overdoses and Related Adverse Effects in a Primary Care Population, Valerie S. Harder, Timothy B. Plante, Insu Koh, Ethan B. Rogers, Susan E. Varni, Andrea C. Villanti, John R. Brooklyn, and Kathleen Fairfield


Outcomes after ultramassive transfusion in the modern era: An Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma multicenter study, Zachary A. Matthay, Zane J. Hellmann, Rachael A. Callcut, Ellicott C. Matthay, Brenda Nunez-Garcia, Daniel Cullinane, and Julianne Ontengco


Patient and family perceptions of an inpatient journal, Marguerite Peggy Anderson and Kristiina Hyrkas


Patients over 65 years with Acute Complicated Calculous Biliary Disease are Treated Differently-Results and Insights from the ESTES Snapshot Audit, Gary A. Bass, Amy E. Gillis, Yang Cao, Shahin Mohseni, and Daniel Cullinane


Transdiaphragmatic Chest Wall Herniation, Anna G. Meader, David L. Ciraulo, Joseph F. Rappold, and Jaswin S. Sawhney


Treating the endotheliopathy of SARS-CoV-2 infection with plasma: Lessons learned from optimized trauma resuscitation with blood products, Shibani Pati, Erin Fennern, John B. Holcomb, Mark Barry, Alpa Trivedi, and Joseph Rappold


Young Man with Swollen Knee., Nicholas Fling and Andrew Fried


Can hospital adult code-teams and individual members perform high-quality CPR? A multicenter simulation-based study incorporating an educational intervention with CPR feedback, Jesse M. Rideout, Edwin Ozawa, Darlene Bourgeois, Micheline Chipman, and Frank Overly


Computer-aided learning for managing stress: A feasibility trial with clinical high risk adolescents and young adults, Kristen A. Woodberry, Cole Chokran, Kelsey A. Johnson, Keith H. Nuechterlein, David J. Miklowitz, Stephen V. Faraone, and Larry J. Seidman


Poststent ballooning during transcarotid artery revascularization, Hanaa Dakour-Aridi, Christina L. Cui, Andrew Barleben, Marc L. Schermerhorn, Jens Eldrup-Jorgensen, and Mahmoud B. Malas


Severity and patterns of injury in helmeted vs. non-helmeted motorcyclists in a rural state, Sivana Barron, Carolyne Falank, Julianne Ontengco, Bruce Chung, and Damien Carter


The Value of Adapting Clinical Reasoning Teaching Methods, Devin Carr


Management of simple and retained hemothorax: A practice management guideline from the Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma, Nimitt J. Patel, Linda Dultz, Husayn A. Ladhani, Daniel C. Cullinane, and Eric Klein


Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Speech Language Pathology in the Emergency Department: Specialty Consult Services to Enhance the Care of Older Adults, Elizabeth Pontius and Rob Anderson


Third trimester maternal vitamin D and early childhood socioemotional development, Ellen C. Francis, Elizabeth Charron, Mengying Li, Liwei Chen, Rachel Mayo, Linda S. Butler, and Lior Rennert


Roundtable on Preseason Heat Safety in Secondary School Athletics: Prehospital Care of Patients With Exertional Heat Stroke., Kevin C Miller, Douglas J Casa, William M Adams, Yuri Hosokawa, Jason Cates, Christina Emrich, Tony Fitzpatrick, Michael Hopper, John F Jardine, Michele LaBotz, Rebecca M Lopez, Francis O'Connor, and M Seth Smith


Physical Examination is Inadequate to Rule Out Thoracolumbar Spine Injuries in a Rural Trauma Center, Scha'Chia Murphy, Rosemary Elizabeth Paine, Carolyne Falank, Julianne Ontengco, Forest Sheppard, and Damien Carter


Electrically Controllable Surgical Tools, Robert D. Ecker and Mohsen Shahinpoor


Distance Learning and Spaced Review to Complement Dermoscopy Training for Primary Care., Elizabeth V Seiverling, Danielle Li, Kathryn Stevens, Peggy Cyr, Gregory Dorr, and Hadjh Ahrns


Corrigendum to "Maternal opioid use disorder at delivery hospitalization in a rural state: Maine, 2009-2018" [Public Health 181C (2020) 171-179]., Sarah M. Gabrielson, J L Carwile, A B O'Connor, and K A Ahrens


End-of-Life Care: Improving Communication and Reducing Stress, Joan Carr Myers and Kristiina Hyrkas


Medical student perspectives on conducting patient experience debrief interviews with hospitalized children and their families, Ian S. Chua, Alyssa L. Bogetz, Michele Long, Terry Kind, Mary Ottolini, Matthew Lineberry, and Priti Bhansali


FOXD1 regulates cell division in clear cell renal cell carcinoma, Kyle H. Bond, Jennifer L. Fetting, Christine W. Lary, Ivette F. Emery, and Leif Oxburgh


Efficacy of Sex Steroid Therapy Without Progestin or GnRH Agonist for Gonadal Suppression in Adult Transgender Patients., India I Pappas, Wendy Craig, Lindsey V Spratt, and Daniel I Spratt


Case Report of Cardiopulmonary Arrest During Pregnancy due to Opioid Overdose, Tracey E. McMillan, Sarah Austin, and Kristiina Hyrkas


Increasing intraoperative hydromorphone does not decrease postoperative pain: a retrospective observational study., Craig S Curry, Wendy Craig, Janelle M Richard, and Denham S Ward


Multicystic Dysplastic Kidney With Mass Effect in a Neonate Treated With Nephrectomy: Case Report, Samuel M. Pettit, William J. Devan, David J. Chalmers, and Allison Zanno


Pediatric Hospitalists' Performance and Perceptions of Script Concordance Testing for Self-Assessment, Mary C. Ottolini, Ian Chua, Joyce Campbell, Martin Ottolini, and Ellen Goldman


Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substance plasma concentrations and metabolomic markers of type 2 diabetes in the Diabetes Prevention Program trial, Susanna D. Mitro, Jinxi Liu, Lindsay M. Jaacks, Abby F. Fleisch, Paige L. Williams, William C. Knowler, Blandine Laferrère, Wei Perng, George A. Bray, Amisha Wallia, Marie-France Hivert, Emily Oken, Tamarra M. James-Todd, and Marinella Temprosa


Protective role of ErbB3 signaling in myeloid cells during adaptation to cardiac pressure overload, Haifeng Yin, Amanda J. Favreau-Lessard, Joanne T. deKay, Yodit R. Herrmann, Michael P. Robich, Robert A. Koza, Igor Prudovsky, Douglas B. Sawyer, and Sergey Ryzhov


Risk factors and impact of postoperative hypotension after carotid artery stenting in the Vascular Quality Initiative, Vincent J. Noori, Nathan J. Aranson, Mahmoud Malas, Marc Schermerhorn, David O'Connor, Richard J. Powell, Jens Eldrup-Jorgensen, and Brian W. Nolan


Support for deer herd reduction on offshore Islands of Maine, U.S.A, Susan P. Elias, Peter W. Rand, Laura N. Rickard, Benjamin B. Stone, Kirk A. Maasch, Charles B. Lubelczyk, and Robert P. Smith


Teaching Skin Cancer Detection to Medical Students Using a Dermoscopic Algorithm., Peggy Cyr, Wendy Craig, Hadjh T. Ahrns, Kathryn Stevens, Caroline Wight, and Elizabeth Seiverling


Myeloma-Modified Adipocytes Exhibit Metabolic Dysfunction and a Senescence-Associated Secretory Phenotype, Heather Fairfield, Amel Dudakovic, Casper M. Khatib, Mariah Farrell, Samantha Costa, Carolyne Falank, Maja Hinge, Connor S. Murphy, Victoria DeMambro, Jessica A. Pettitt, Christine W. Lary, Heather E. Driscoll, Michelle M. McDonald, Moustapha Kassem, Clifford Rosen, Thomas L. Andersen, Andre J. van Wijnen, Abbas Jafari, and Michaela R. Reagan


Venous thromboembolism prophylaxis in the trauma intensive care unit: an American Association for the Surgery of Trauma Critical Care Committee Clinical Consensus Document, Joseph F. Rappold, Forest R. Sheppard, Samuel P. Carmichael Ii, Joseph Cuschieri, and Eric Ley


Addressing Physician Burnout and Ensuring High-Quality Care of the Physician Workforce, Leslie Bradford and Gretchen Glaser


A Peer-Based Strategy to Overcome HPV Vaccination Inequities in Rural Communities: A Physical Distancing-Compliant Approach., Christine Finley, Matthew J Dugan, Jan Kirk Carney, Wendy Sue Davis, Thomas V Delaney, Victoria C Hart, Breena W Holmes, Gary S Stein, Robin Katrick, Holly Morehouse, Bernard Cole, Leslie Bradford MD, Maureen B Boardman, Heidi Considine, Nancy C Kaplan, Merideth Plumpton, Linda Schadler, Jennifer J Smith, and Kate McAllister


Characterizing the use of osteopathic manipulative medicine in the obstetric population by trimester and indications for use., Jordan Faloon, Karly Bishop, Wendy Craig, and Julia Brock


Emotion Dysregulation is Substantially Elevated in Autism Compared to the General Population: Impact on Psychiatric Services, Caitlin M. Conner, Josh Golt, Rebecca Shaffer, Giulia Righi, Matthew Siegel, and Carla A. Mazefsky


Guidelines for Biobanking of Bone Marrow Adipose Tissue and Related Cell Types: Report of the Biobanking Working Group of the International Bone Marrow Adiposity Society, Stephanie Lucas, Michaela Tencerova, Benoit von der Weid, Thomas Levin Andersen, Camille Attané, Friederike Behler-Janbeck, William P. Cawthorn, and Kaisa K. Ivaska


Guidelines for the Use and Interpretation of Assays for Monitoring Autophagy (4th edition), Anyonya R. Guntur and Contributing Author


Hannaford Center for Safety, Innovation & Simulation 2021 Annual Report, Maine Medical Center


Maine Medical Center Research Institute: 2021 Year in Review, Maine Medical Center Research Institute


Merkel Cell Carcinoma of the Hand in a Young Patient, Matthew LaBarge, Ross Feller, and Amanda Keene


Resilience of regional hospital nursing staff working during the COVID-19 pandemic measured by the Connor-Davidson resilience scale., Jill Petzel

Submissions from 2020


Shot in the dark: three patients successfully treated with onabotulinumtoxin A injections for relief of post-traumatic chronic headaches and dystonia induced by gunshot wounds, Lauren Palitz Ferguson, Ruslan Abdukalikov, David Shbeeb, and Terence K. Gray


Gastrocutaneous Closure Device, Jeffrey Halter, Chad P. Seeley, and Lanba Asheesh Ravikumar


COVID-19 and Hypercoagulability: Potential Impact on Management with Oral Contraceptives, Estrogen Therapy and Pregnancy., Daniel I Spratt and Rachel J Buchsbaum


Cryptic collagen elements as signaling hubs in the regulation of tumor growth and metastasis, XiangHua Han, Jennifer M. Caron, and Peter C. Brooks


Endourologic Management of Stent Retained Over 22 Years in Patient with Duplicated Collecting System, William C. Daly and Johann P. Ingimarsson


American Burn Association Guidelines on the Management of Acute Pain in the Adult Burn Patient: A Review of the Literature, a Compilation of Expert Opinion and Next Steps, Kathleen S. Romanowski, Joshua Carson, Kate Pape, Eileen Bernal, Sam Sharar, and Damien Carter


Randomized Pilot Clinical Trial of Early Coronary Angiography Versus No Early Coronary Angiography After Cardiac Arrest Without ST-Segment Elevation: The PEARL Study, Karl B. Kern, Peter Radsel, Jacob C. Jentzer, David B. Seder, Kwan S. Lee, Kapildeo Lotun, Rajesh Janardhanan, Dion Stub, and Chiu-Hsieh Hsu


Impact of geography and travel distance on outcomes in epithelial ovarian cancer: a national cancer database analysis., Ava Daruvala, F Lee Lucas, Jesse Sammon, Christopher Darus, and Leslie Bradford MD


Antireflux Surgery at National Surgical Quality Improvement Program-Pediatric Hospitals., Emilie K Johnson, David J Chalmers, Caleb P Nelson, Isaac Li, Marie Iwaniuk, Catherine Grant, Claudia Byrd, Shawn J Rangel, Jacqueline M Saito, Douglas C Barnhart, Bruce L Hall, Vijaya M Vemulakonda, Travis W Groth, Jonathan S Ellison, Nicolette K Janzen, Adam B Hittelman, Heather N DiCarlo, Paul A Merguerian, Stacy T Tanaka, and Michaella M Prasad


Proxy Finnegan Component Scores for Eat, Sleep, Console in a Cohort of Opioid-Exposed Neonates., Margaret Curran, Christina Holt, Michael Arciero, James Quinlan, David Cox, and Alexa Craig


Loss of interleukin-17 receptor D promotes chronic inflammation-associated tumorigenesis., Charlotte Girondel, Kim Lévesque, Marie-Josée Langlois, Sarah Pasquin, Marc K Saba-El-Leil, Nathalie Rivard, Robert Friesel, Marc J Servant, Jean-François Gauchat, Sylvie Lesage, and Sylvain Meloche


Mechanical ventilation in patients with acute brain injury: recommendations of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine consensus., Chiara Robba, Daniele Poole, Molly McNett, Karim Asehnoune, Julian Bösel, Nicolas Bruder, Arturo Chieregato, Raphael Cinotti, Jacques Duranteau, Sharon Einav, Ari Ercole, Niall Ferguson, Claude Guerin, Ilias I Siempos, Pedro Kurtz, Nicole P Juffermans, Jordi Mancebo, Luciana Mascia, Victoria McCredie, Nicolas Nin, Mauro Oddo, Paolo Pelosi, Alejandro A Rabinstein, Ary Serpa Neto, David Seder, Markus B Skrifvars, Jose I Suarez, Fabio Silvio Taccone, Mathieu van der Jagt, Giuseppe Citerio, and Robert D Stevens


Serum soluble receptor for advanced glycation end-products (sRAGE) in infants with bronchiolitis: Associations with acute severity and recurrent wheeze., Jason T Patregnani, Michimasa Fujiogi, Carlos A Camargo, Bonnie A Brooks, Claire E Hoptay, Jonathan M Mansbach, Stephen J Teach, Robert J Freishtat, and Kohei Hasegawa


Impact of health literacy on shared decision making for prostate-specific antigen screening in the United States., David-Dan Nguyen, Quoc-Dien Trinh, Alexander P Cole, Kerry L Kilbridge, Brandon A Mahal, Matt Hayn, Moritz Hansen, Paul K J Han, and Jesse D Sammon


The impact of frailty in older women undergoing pelvic floor reconstructive surgery., Jonathan S Shaw, Elisabeth Erekson, and Holly E Richter


Limited Clinical Utility of Follow-up Blood Cultures in Patients With Streptococcal Bacteremia: An Opportunity for Blood Culture Stewardship., Emily A Siegrist, Minkey Wungwattana, Leyla Azis, Patricia Stogsdill, Wendy Craig, and Kristina E Rokas


Quantifying changes in size of arrhythmic photoplethysmography waveforms during a Valsalva maneuver for assessing cardiac filling pressure, Harry A. Silber, Theingi Tiffany Win, Jennifer Monti, and Panagis Galiatsatos


Culture-Negative Endophthalmitis Following Implantation of a Phakic Implantable Collamer Lens, Calvin C. Robbins, Lucia Sobrin, Kevin K. Ma, Kathryn M. Brouillette, and Jeffrey K. Moore


Emerging insights into the comparative effectiveness of anabolic therapies for osteoporosis., Eben G Estell and Clifford J Rosen


Screening for Health-Related Social Needs of Emergency Department Patients., Margaret E Samuels-Kalow, Krislyn M Boggs, Rebecca E Cash, Ramsey Herrington, Nathan W Mick, Maia S Rutman, Arjun K Venkatesh, Christopher P Zabbo, Ashley F Sullivan, Kohei Hasegawa, Kori S Zachrison, and Carlos A Camargo


Serotonin Syndrome Associated With Vilazodone Overdose in a 22-Month-Old Treated With Dexmedetomidine., Erica Schlichting, Chris Welter, Tammi Schaeffer, and Tania D Strout


Delirium in Older Patients With COVID-19 Presenting to the Emergency Department., Maura Kennedy, Benjamin K I Helfand, Ray Yun Gou, Sarah L Gartaganis, Margaret Webb, J Michelle Moccia, Stacey N Bruursema, Belinda Dokic, Brigid McCulloch, Hope Ring, Justin D Margolin, Ellen Zhang, Robert Anderson, Rhonda L Babine, Tammy Hshieh, Ambrose H Wong, R Andrew Taylor, Kathleen Davenport, Brittni Teresi, Tamara G Fong, and Sharon K Inouye


Elective Care and Health Services Research in the COVID-19 Era., Elizabeth A Jacobs, Olugbenga Ogedegbe, and Stephan D Fihn


Short Report: Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus Seroprevalence in Maine Cervids, 2012-2017., Joan L Kenney, Elizabeth Henderson, John-Paul Mutebi, Kali Saxton-Shaw, Angela Bosco-Lauth, Susan P Elias, Sara Robinson, Robert P Smith, and Charles Lubelczyk


American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma "Stop the Bleed Program": Quantifying the Impact of Training Upon Public School Educators Readiness, Luciano A. Ciraulo, Nicolas A. Ciraulo, Rocco S. Ciraulo, Grant D. Robaczewski, Katherine P. Andreasen, Carolyne R. Falank, Julianne B. Ontengco, and David L. Ciraulo


Biometric Analysis of Surgeons' Physiologic Responses During Surgery, Luciano A. Ciraulo, Marshall L. Robaczewski, Nicolas A. Ciraulo, Rocco S. Ciraulo, Grant D. Robaczewski, Carolyne R. Falank, Julianne B. Ontengco, and David L. Ciraulo


Effect of a multi-component intervention on providers' HPV vaccine communication, Rebecca B. Perkins, Bolanle Banigbe, Anny T. Fenton, Amanda K. O'Grady, Emily M. Jansen, Judith L. Bernstein, Natalie P. Joseph, Terresa J. Eun, Dea L. Biancarelli, and Mari-Lynn Drainoni


Improvements to Foster Caregiver Experiences in Pediatric Hospital-to-Home Transitions, Anna M. Martens, JoAnna K. Leyenaar, and Leah A. Mallory


Pediatric Cardiac Arrest Resuscitation., Nathan W Mick and Rachel J Williams


Postdischarge Pain Management After Thoracic Surgery: A Patient-Centered Approach, Benjamin A. Abrams, Kimberly A. Murray, Katharine Mahoney, Kristen M. Raymond, Shannon K. McWilliams, Stephanie Nichols, Elham Mahmoudi, Lena M. Mayes, Ana Fernandez-Bustamante, John D. Mitchell, Robert A. Meguid, Giorgio Zanotti, and Karsten Bartels


Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome Following Failure of Conservative Management in Renal Trauma: Case Report, William C. Daly, Thomas Reynolds, Marie Tanzer, and David J. Chalmers


Targeting Bone Cells During Sexual Maturation Reveals Sexually Dimorphic Regulation of Endochondral Ossification., Heather Fairfield, Samantha Costa, Victoria DeMambro, Celine Schott, Janaina Da Silva Martins, Mathieu Ferron, Calvin Vary, and Michaela R Reagan


The Changing Paradigm of Head and Neck Paragangliomas: What Every Otolaryngologist Needs to Know., Nathan D Cass, Melissa A Schopper, Jonathan A Lubin, Lauren Fishbein, and Samuel P Gubbels


The origins and development of the cardiac neurodevelopment outcome collaborative: creating innovative clinical, quality improvement, and research opportunities, Bradley S. Marino, Erica Sood, Adam R. Cassidy, Thomas A. Miller, Jacqueline H. Sanz, David Bellinger, Jane Newburger, and Caren S. Goldberg


Young Man With Unilateral Vision Loss., Christina N Wilson and Andrew Fried


A 'good death' during COVID-19: Outdoor terminal extubation facilitates safe family presence for a dying patient., Michelle M Crispo, Tania D Strout, Lisa M Munzig, and Patricia A Lerwick


Authors' response, Jack L. Cronenwett, Adam Beck, Daniel Bertges, and Jens Eldrup-Jorgensen


First-in-class humanized FSH blocking antibody targets bone and fat., Sakshi Gera, Damini Sant, Shozeb Haider, Funda Korkmaz, Tan-Chun Kuo, Mehr Mathew, Helena Perez-Pena, Honglin Xie, Hao Chen, Rogerio Batista, Kejun Ma, Zhen Cheng, Elina Hadelia, Cemre Robinson, Anne Macdonald, Sari Miyashita, Anthony Williams, Gregory Jebian, Hirotaka Miyashita, Anisa Gumerova, Kseniia Ievleva, Pinar Smith, Jiahuan He, Vitaly Ryu, Victoria DeMambro, Matthew A Quinn, Marcia Meseck, Se-Min Kim, T Rajendra Kumar, Jameel Iqbal, Maria I New, Daria Lizneva, Clifford J Rosen, Aaron J Hsueh, Tony Yuen, and Mone Zaidi


Unusual cause of Fournier's gangrene: colorectal-genitourinary tract fistulae status post brachytherapy., Nabil Saleem, William J Devan, Daniel R Pitts, and Graham T VerLee


Use of data from the Vascular Quality Initiative registry to support regulatory decisions yielded a high return on investment, Jack L. Cronenwett, Erika Avila-Tang, Adam W. Beck, Daniel Bertges, Jens Eldrup-Jorgensen, Frederic S. Resnic, Nadezda Radoja, Art Sedrakyan, Andreas Schick, Josh Smale, Roberta A. Bloss, Peter Phillips, Melissa Hasenbank, Shengchun Wang, Danica Marinac-Dabic, and Gregory Pappas


Insomnia subtypes and clinical impairment in hospitalized children with autism spectrum disorder., Briana J Taylor, Charles F Reynolds, and Matthew Siegel


Pathologic nodal downstaging in men with clinically involved lymph nodes undergoing radical prostatectomy: Implications for definitive locoregional therapy., Fady Ghali, William C Daly, Moritz Hansen, Matthew Hayn, Jesse Sammon, Lisa T Beaule, Reith Sarkar, James Murphy, A Karim Kader, Ithaar Derweesh, Brent Rose, and Stephen T Ryan


Finerenone - Halting Relative Hyperaldosteronism in Chronic Kidney Disease., Julie R Ingelfinger and Clifford J Rosen


Variations in practice in cardiac neurodevelopmental follow-up programs., Thomas Miller, Anjali Sadhwani, Jacqueline Sanz, Erica Sood, Dawn Ilardi, Jane W Newburger, Caren S Goldberg, David Wypij, J William Gaynor, and Bradley S Marino


Common Mechanistic Pathways in Cancer and Heart Failure., Rudolf A de Boer, Jean-Sébastien Hulot, Carlo Gabriele Tocchetti, Joseph Pierre Aboumsallem, Pietro Ameri, Stefan D Anker, Johann Bauersachs, Edoardo Bertero, Andrew A J Coats, Jelena Čelutkienė, Ovidiu Chioncel, Pierre Dodion, Thomas Eschenhagen, Dimitrios Farmakis, Antoni Bayes-Genis, Dirk Jäger, Ewa A Jankowska, Richard N Kitsis, Suma H Konety, James Larkin, Lorenz Lehmann, Daniel J Lenihan, Christoph Maack, Javid Moslehi, Oliver J Müller, Patrycja Nowak-Sliwinska, Massimo Francesco Piepoli, Piotr Ponikowski, Radek Pudil, Peter P Rainer, Frank Ruschitzka, Douglas Sawyer, Petar M Seferovic, Thomas Suter, Thomas Thum, Peter van der Meer, Linda W Van Laake, Stephan von Haehling, Stephane Heymans, Alexander R Lyon, and Johannes Backs


PHOSPHO1 is a skeletal regulator of insulin resistance and obesity., Karla J Suchacki, Nicholas M Morton, Calvin Vary, Carmen Huesa, Manisha C Yadav, Benjamin J Thomas, Sophie Turban, Lutz Bunger, Derek Ball, Martin E Barrios-Llerena, Anyonya R Guntur, Zohreh Khavandgar, William P Cawthorn, Mathieu Ferron, Gérard Karsenty, Monzur Murshed, Clifford J Rosen, Vicky E MacRae, Jose Luis Millán, and Colin Farquharson