Submissions from 2019
Pupillometry data 6 hours after ROSC predicts poor outocome after cardiac arrest., Richard Riker, Tyler Nussinow, Mary Sawyer, Bailey West, Philip Stone, Ashley Eldridge, Teresa May, and David Seder
Quantitative Analysis of Surgical Residency Reform: Using Case-Logs to Evaluate Resident Experience., Sarah B Cairo, Wendy Craig, Caitlin Gutheil, Paul K J Han, Kristiina Hyrkas, Lynda Macken, and James F Whiting
Reinitiation of Electroconvulsive Therapy 4 Weeks After the Diagnosis of ECT-Induced Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy., Kaitlin Clifford, Waseem Chaudhry, Sarah Muscat, Christopher Connors, and Dena Whitesell
Relative contributions of parental intention and provider recommendation style to HPV and meningococcal vaccine receipt., Terresa J Eun, Amresh Hanchate, Anny T Fenton, Jack A Clark, Marisa N Aurora, Mari-Lynn Drainoni, and Rebecca B Perkins
Reverse lutembacher: a rare late complication of tricuspid valve replacement., Joshua Cowgill, Sebastian Jablonski, Edward Teufel, and James Parker
Sleep disruption and delirium in the pediatric CICU., Jillian Gregory, Anna Brown, and Sapna Kudchadkar
Small white spots on the lips., Peggy Rachel Cyr and Leigh Pemberton Johnson
'Step Up' approach to the application of REBOA technology in a rural, Jack P Vernamonti, John Holcomb, Nathan W Mick, Carolyne Falank, Julianne B Ontengco, Joseph Rappold, and Forest Raymond Sheppard
Surgical Atrial Fibrillation Ablation Improves Long-Term Survival: A Multicenter Analysis., Alexander Iribarne, Anthony W DiScipio, Jock N McCullough, Reed Quinn, Bruce J Leavitt, Benjamin M Westbrook, Michael P Robich, Gerald L Sardella, John D Klemperer, Robert S Kramer, Paul W Weldner, Elaine M Olmstead, Cathy S Ross, David J Malenka, and Northern New England Cardiovascular Disease Study Group
T70. IDENTIFYING YOUTH AT CLINICAL HIGH RISK: WHAT'S THE EMOTIONAL IMPACT?...The 2019 Congress of the Schizophrenia International Research Society, April 10-14, 2019, Orlando, Florida, Kristen Woodberry, Kate Powers, Caitlin Bryant, Donna Downing, Mary Verdi, Leda Kennedy, Daniel Shapiro, Ragy Girgis, Gary Brucato, Debbie Huang, Francesca Crump, Cheryl Corcoran, Larry Seidman, Bruce Link, William McFarlane, and Lawrence Yang
Teaching Benign Skin Lesions as a Strategy to Improve the Triage Amalgamated Dermoscopic Algorithm (TADA)., Elizabeth V Seiverling, Hadjh T Ahrns, Amrit Greene, Melissa Butt, Oriol Yélamos, Stephen W Dusza, and Ashfaq A Marghoob
The antipsychotic medication, risperidone, causes global immunosuppression in healthy mice., Meghan May, Megan Beauchemin, Calvin Vary, Deborah Barlow, and Karen L Houseknecht
The Development and Implementation of a Resource Nurse in the Float Pool: A review of the Literature and a Pilot Study Plan, Crystal M. Wiley
The effect of raloxifene on bone marrow adipose tissue and bone turnover in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis., Kerensa M Beekman, Annegreet G Veldhuis-Vlug, Martin den Heijer, Mario Maas, Ania M Oleksik, Michael W Tanck, Susan M Ott, Rob J van 't Hof, Paul Lips, Peter H Bisschop, and Nathalie Bravenboer
Therapeutic Irradiation: Consequences for Bone and Bone Marrow Adipose Tissue., Samantha Costa and Michaela R Reagan
The Relationship Between Uncertainty and Affect., Eric C Anderson, R Nicholas Carleton, Michael Diefenbach, and Paul K J Han
Transcarotid artery revascularization versus transfemoral carotid artery stenting in the Society for Vascular Surgery Vascular Quality Initiative., Mahmoud B Malas, Hanaa Dakour-Aridi, Grace J Wang, Vikram S Kashyap, Raghu L Motaganahalli, Jens Eldrup-Jorgensen, Jack L Cronenwett, and Marc L Schermerhorn
Trying to do what is best: a qualitative study of maternal-infant bonding and neonatal abstinence syndrome., Katherin Rockefeller, Lynda C Macken, and Alexa Craig
U.S. acute care hospital shootings, 2012-2016: A content analysis study., Joseph R Wax, Angelina Cartin, Wendy Craig, and Michael G Pinette
Vegetarians' and omnivores' affective and physiological responses to images of food., Eric C Anderson, Jolie Wormwood, Lisa Feldman Barrett, and Karen S Quigley
Submissions from 2018
Parental perceptions of neonatal therapeutic hypothermia; emotional and healing experiences., Alexa K Craig, Christine James, Janelle Bainter, Scott Evans, and Roslyn Gerwin
A Not-So-New Treatment for Old Bones., Clifford J Rosen
Use of Masks in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis., Jonathan B Zuckerman and Lisa Saiman
Irisin Mediates Effects on Bone and Fat via αV Integrin Receptors., Hyeonwoo Kim, Christiane D Wrann, Mark Jedrychowski, Sara Vidoni, Yukiko Kitase, Kenichi Nagano, Chenhe Zhou, Joshua Chou, Virginia-Jeni A Parkman, Scott J Novick, Timothy S Strutzenberg, Bruce D Pascal, Phuong T Le, Daniel J Brooks, Alexander M Roche, Kaitlyn K Gerber, Laura Mattheis, Wenjing Chen, Hua Tu, Mary L Bouxsein, Patrick R Griffin, Roland Baron, Clifford J Rosen, Lynda F Bonewald, and Bruce M Spiegelman
A Renewable Source of Human Beige Adipocytes for Development of Therapies to Treat Metabolic Syndrome., Su Su, Anyonya R Guntur, Daniel C Nguyen, Shameem S Fakory, Chad C Doucette, Cassandra Leech, Humphrey Lotana, Matthew Kelley, Jaspreet Kohli, Julieta Martino, Sunder Sims-Lucas, Lucy Liaw, Calvin Vary, Clifford J Rosen, and Aaron C Brown
A multi-state initiative to implement pediatric oral health in primary care practice and clinical education., Hugh Silk, Ellen Sachs Leicher, Veronica Alvarado, Elizabeth Cote, and Susan Cote
An example of medical device-based projection of clinical trial enrollment: Use of electrocardiographic data to identify candidates for a trial in acute coronary syndromes., Harry P Selker, Manlik Kwong, Robin Ruthazer, Sheeona Gorman, Giuliana Green, Elizabeth Patchen, James E Udelson, Howard A Smithline, Michael R Baumann, Paul A Harris, Rashmee U Shah, Sarah J Nelson, Theodora Cohen, Elizabeth B Jones, Brien A Barnewolt, and Andrew E Williams
Cerebral Blood Flow in Polytrauma: Transcranial Doppler Analysis in a Nonhuman Primate Shock Model., Gilbert Andrew Pratt, Emily N Hathaway, Peter J Hemond, Douglas K Tadaki, Forest R Sheppard, and Jacob J Glaser
Changes in marrow adipose tissue with short-term changes in weight in premenopausal women with anorexia nervosa., Pouneh K Fazeli, Alex Faje, Miriam A Bredella, Sai Polineni, Stephen Russell, Megi Resulaj, Clifford J Rosen, and Anne Klibanski
Chronic Kidney Disease Is Associated With Greater Bone Marrow Adiposity., Gina N Woods, Susan K Ewing, Sigurdur Sigurdsson, Deborah M Kado, Joachim H Ix, Trisha F Hue, Gudny Eiriksdottir, Kaipin Xu, Vilmundur Gudnason, Thomas F Lang, Eric Vittinghoff, Tamara B Harris, Clifford J Rosen, Xiaojuan Li, and Ann V Schwartz
Conflicts of Interest in Clinical Practice Guidelines: Accelerating an Evolution. An Endocrine Society Consensus Statement., Christopher R McCartney and Clifford J Rosen
Does an Autism Spectrum Disorder Care Pathway Improve Care for Children and Adolescents with ASD in Inpatient Psychiatric Units?, Sarah Kuriakose, Beryl Filton, Mollie Marr, Eugene Okparaeke, Paige Cervantes, Matthew Siegel, Sarah Horwitz, and Jennifer Havens
Myofibromatosis presenting as reticulated vascular changes and subcutaneous atrophy in a patient with somatic mosaicism of PDGFRB mutation., C S Zhong, H Song, A Weiss, W-H Tan, S Coury, and J T Huang
Neurobehavioral evaluation of neonates with congenital heart disease: a cohort study., Whitnee J Hogan, Sarah Winter, Nelangi M Pinto, Cindy Weng, Xiaoming Sheng, Elisabeth Conradt, Janine Wood, Michael D Puchalski, Lloyd Y Tani, and Thomas Miller
New England BK consortium: Regional survey of BK screening and management protocols in comparison to published consensus guidelines., Steven Gabardi, Martha Pavlakis, Chen Tan, Jean Francis, Francesca Cardarelli, William Asch, Kenneth Bodziak, Michael Chobanian, Hannah Gilligan, Reginald Gohh, Shiang-Cheng Kung, Lesley Inker, Spencer Martin, Nancy Rodig, Ana Rossi, and Anil Chandraker
Noninvasive Arterial Testing: What and When to Use., Derek Mittleider
Primary care physicians' perceptions of practice improvement as a professional responsibility: a cross-sectional study., Christopher R Stephenson, Christopher M Wittich, Joel E Pacyna, Matthew K Wynia, Omar Hasan, and Jon C Tilburt
Research Priorities for Physician Wellness in Academic Emergency Medicine: Consensus from the Society of Academic Emergency Medicine Wellness Committee., Arlene S Chung, Matthew L Wong, Leon D Sanchez, Dave W Lu, Rita A Manfredi, Hannah Mishkin, Sheryl Heron, and Andra L Blomkalns
Systematic review of the volume-outcome relationship for radical prostatectomy., Jeffrey J Leow, Eugene K Leong, Emily C Serrell, Steven L Chang, Russell L Gruen, Keng Siang Png, Lisa T Beaule, Quoc-Dien Trinh, Mani M Menon, and Jesse D Sammon
The relationship between surgical site drains and reoperation for wound-related complications following posterior cervical spine surgery: a multicenter retrospective study., Daniel B Herrick, Joseph E Tanenbaum, Marc Mankarious, Sagar Vallabh, Eitan Fleischman, Swamy Kurra, Shane M Burke, Marie Roguski, Thomas E Mroz, William F Lavelle, Jeffrey E Florman, and Ron I Riesenburger
Whole blood mitigates the acute coagulopathy of trauma and avoids the coagulopathy of crystalloid resuscitation., Forest R Sheppard, Leasha J Schaub, Andrew P Cap, Antoni R Macko, Hunter B Moore, Ernest E Moore, and Cdr Jacob J Glaser
Woman With Neck Pain., Christopher Allison, Jeffrey Holmes, and Elizabeth Pearce
Teaching about diagnostic errors through virtual patient cases: a pilot exploration., Rabih Geha, Robert L Trowbridge, Gurpreet Dhaliwal, and Andrew P J Olson
The Assessment of Reasoning Tool (ART): structuring the conversation between teachers and learners., Satid Thammasitboon, Joseph J Rencic, Robert L Trowbridge, Andrew P J Olson, Moushumi Sur, and Gurpreet Dhaliwal
Using computerized virtual cases to explore diagnostic error in practicing physicians., Robert L Trowbridge, James B Reilly, Jerome C Clauser, and Steven J Durning
Case 23-2018: A Man with Episodes of Confusion and Hypoglycemia., Deborah J Wexler and Kirsten J Pierce
The discussants reply., Deborah J. Wexler and Kristen J. Pierce
Accuracy of Point-of-Care Blood Glucose Level Measurements in Critically Ill Patients with Sepsis Receiving High-Dose Intravenous Vitamin C., Kathryn E Smith, Caitlin S Brown, Bridget M Manning, Teresa May, Richard R Riker, Patricia A Lerwick, Timothy L Hayes, and Gilles L Fraser
Azithromycin for Early Pseudomonas Infection in Cystic Fibrosis. The OPTIMIZE Randomized Trial., Nicole Mayer-Hamblett, George Retsch-Bogart, Margaret Kloster, Frank Accurso, Margaret Rosenfeld, Gary Albers, Philip Black, Perry Brown, AnneMarie Cairns, Stephanie D Davis, Gavin R Graff, Gwendolyn S Kerby, David Orenstein, Rachael Buckingham, Bonnie W Ramsey, and OPTIMIZE Study Group
Behavioral outcomes of specialized psychiatric hospitalization in the autism inpatient collection (AIC): a multisite comparison., Kahsi A Pedersen, Susan L Santangelo, Robin L Gabriels, Giulia Righi, Michael Erard, and Matthew Siegel
Blood Test to Predict Endurance Athletic Performance, Maine Medical Center and Volkhard Lindner
Characterization of Medication Use in a Multicenter Sample of Pediatric Inpatients with Autism Spectrum Disorder., Logan K Wink, Ernest V Pedapati, Ryan Adams, Craig A Erickson, Kahsi A Pedersen, Eric M Morrow, Desmond Kaplan, Matthew Siegel, and Autism and Developmental Disorders Inpatient Research Collaborative (ADDIRC)
Complex Legacy of the Target Temperature Management Trial., Teresa L May, Richard R Riker, and David B Seder
Conscious awareness is necessary for affective faces to influence social judgments., Ian R Kleckner, Eric C Anderson, Nicole J Betz, Jolie B Wormwood, Rhea T Eskew, and Lisa Feldman Barrett
Effects of endogenous serum neuregulin-1β on morbidity and mortality in patients with heart failure and left ventricular systolic dysfunction., Jennifer Miao, Shi Huang, Yan Ru Su, Carrie A Lenneman, Meera Wright, Frank E Harrell, Douglas B Sawyer, and Daniel J Lenihan
Enduring Effects of One-Day Training in Good Psychiatric Management on Clinician Attitudes About Borderline Personality Disorder., Sara Rose Masland, Daniel Price, Jacob MacDonald, Ellen Finch, John Gunderson, and Lois Choi-Kain
Foster Caregiver Experience of Pediatric Hospital-to-Home Transitions: A Qualitative Analysis., Anna Martens, Michael DeLucia, JoAnna K. Leyenaar, and Leah A. Mallory
In the Middle of Difficulty Lies Opportunity.-Albert Einstein., Richard R Riker and Gilles L Fraser
MC1R gene polymorphisms are associated with dysfunctional immune responses and wound infection after burn injury., Damien W Carter, Ravi F Sood, Max E Seaton, Lara A Muffley, Shari Honari, Ann M Hocking, Saman A Arbabi, and Nicole S Gibran
New Trends at 25 Years: An American Board of Surgery Academic Certifying Examination Review Course., P A Rowland, G A Grindlinger, N Maloney Patel, A A Alseidi, D S Lind, and K H Sartorelli
Pharmacokinetics of glycerol phenylbutyrate in pediatric patients 2 months to 2 years of age with urea cycle disorders., Susan A Berry, Jerry Vockley, Alexander A Vinks, Min Dong, George A Diaz, Shawn E McCandless, Wendy E Smith, Cary O Harding, Roberto Zori, Can Ficicioglu, Uta Lichter-Konecki, Renee Perdok, Beth Robinson, Robert J Holt, and Nicola Longo
Predictors of inpatient psychiatric hospitalization for children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder., Giulia Righi, Jill Benevides, Carla Mazefsky, Matthew Siegel, Stephen J Sheinkopf, and Eric M Morrow
Problem behaviors in autism spectrum disorder: association with verbal ability and adapting/coping skills., Diane L Williams, Matthew Siegel, and Carla A Mazefsky
RE: Elevated Bladder Cancer in Northern New England: The Role of Drinking Water and Arsenic., Stella Koutros, Petra Lenz, Stephen M Hewitt, Masatoshi Kida, Michael Jones, Alan R Schned, Dalsu Baris, Ruth Pfeiffer, Molly Schwenn, Alison Johnson, Margaret R Karagas, Montserrat Garcia-Closas, Nathaniel Rothman, Lee E Moore, and Debra T Silverman
Sequence of hormonal therapy and radiotherapy field size in unfavourable, localised prostate cancer (NRG/RTOG 9413): long-term results of a randomised, phase 3 trial., Mack Roach, Jennifer Moughan, Colleen A F Lawton, Adam P Dicker, Kenneth L Zeitzer, Elizabeth M Gore, Young Kwok, Michael J Seider, I-Chow Hsu, Alan C Hartford, Eric M Horwitz, Kosj Yamoah, Christopher U Jones, Jeff M Michalski, W Robert Lee, Thomas M Pisansky, Rachel Rabinovitch, Marvin Rotman, Rodger M Pryzant, Harold E Kim, Charles R Thomas, William U Shipley, and Howard M Sandler
Sympathetic β1-adrenergic signaling contributes to regulation of human bone metabolism., Sundeep Khosla, Matthew T Drake, Tammie L Volkman, Brianne S Thicke, Sara J Achenbach, Elizabeth J Atkinson, Michael J Joyner, Clifford J Rosen, David G Monroe, and Joshua N Farr
The Severe End of the Spectrum: Insights and Opportunities from the Autism Inpatient Collection (AIC)., Matthew Siegel
Two views of treating obesity in childhood., Allen F. Browne and Alvin N. Eden
Verbal ability and psychiatric symptoms in clinically referred inpatient and outpatient youth with ASD., Matthew D Lerner, Carla A Mazefsky, Rebecca J Weber, Emilie Transue, Matthew Siegel, and Kenneth D Gadow
Woman With a Groin Mass., Christopher I Hasslinger, Christopher F Allison, Joshua J Barker, Emily E Muns, and David C Mackenzie
Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement in Low-Risk Patients With Symptomatic Severe Aortic Stenosis., Ron Waksman, Toby Rogers, Rebecca Torguson, Paul Gordon, Afshin Ehsan, Sean R Wilson, John Goncalves, Robert Levitt, Chiwon Hahn, Puja Parikh, Thomas Bilfinger, David Butzel, Scott Buchanan, Nicholas Hanna, Robert Garrett, Federico Asch, Gaby Weissman, Itsik Ben-Dor, Christian Shults, Roshni Bastian, Paige E Craig, Hector M Garcia-Garcia, Paul Kolm, Quan Zou, Lowell F Satler, and Paul J Corso
Thyroid hormone influences brain gene expression programs and behaviors in later generations by altering germ line epigenetic information., M Elena Martinez, Christine W Duarte, J Patrizia Stohn, Aldona Karaczyn, Zhaofei Wu, Victoria E DeMambro, and Arturo Hernandez
Mother Baby Discharge Process, Zander Abbott, Maria Tkacz, Suellen Clark, Justyna Coleman, Dave Cox, Kathy Cyr, Sharon Economides, Jen Johnson, Stacy Lamore, Mary McNulty, Joy Moody, Heidi Morin, Cathy Palleschi, Josh Sinkin, Stephen Tyzik, and Helen Wild
Cervical Ripening for Induction of Labor, Deb Sepulveda, Michael G. Pinette, Heidi Morin, Colette Dumais, Sarah Austin, Hector Tarraza, Maria Tkacz, and Zander Abbott
COPD Action Plan, Rob Chamberlain, Samantha Marrier, Karin Doehne, Martine Eon, Penny Binette, Donna Rousselle, Morgan O'Donnell, Linh Gagnon, and Carole Sharkey
Kidney Nephron Determination., Leif Oxburgh
Clinical Documentation received by Referring Provider, Linda Butler, Julie Plourde, Nate Fuller, Brandy Brown, Roslyn Gerwin, Alyssa Gaudette, Cheryl Wilbur, Rachel Garnsey, and Jim Bailinson
Patient Visit Efficiency, Brian Roux, Audra Baschagen, Meagan Oberholtzer, Martha Grealey, Lori Kim, Eliza Post, Samantha Byrnes, Victoria Noiles, and Monica Russo
Absorption and safety with sustained use of RELiZORB evaluation (ASSURE) study in patients with cystic fibrosis receiving enteral feeding., John Stevens, Colby Wyatt, Perry Brown, Dhiren Patel, Danica Grujic, and Steven D. Freedman
Advantages of the New Tao Mask for Bag Mask Ventilation: a randomized crossover trial., Catherine D Tobin, Tamas A Szabo, Bethany J Wolf, Kathryn H Bridges, Tod A Brown, Erick M Woltz, and Robert D Warters
Are Sleep Problems in Children With ASD Associated With ASD Severity or Psychiatric Comorbidity? A Meta-Analysis., Brianna Taylor and Matthew Siegel
A tight squeeze., Rachel J Williams, David C Mackenzie, and Benjamin Liess
Comparative effectiveness of coronary artery bypass grafting versus percutaneous coronary intervention in a real-world Surgical Treatment for Ischemic Heart Failure trial population., Alexander Iribarne, Anthony W DiScipio, Bruce J Leavitt, Yvon R Baribeau, Jock N McCullough, Paul W Weldner, Yi-Ling Huang, Michael P Robich, Robert A Clough, Gerald L Sardella, Elaine M Olmstead, and David J Malenka
Consistently Using a Transportation Department for Patient Discharge to Sustain Nursing Staffing Levels, Victoria Boutin, Joseph East, Stephen Tyzik, Joy Moody, Mark Parker, Suneela Nayak, Ruth Hanselman, and Amy Sparks
Continuous surface EMG power reflects the metabolic cost of shivering during targeted temperature management after cardiac arrest., Teresa L May, Richard R Riker, David J Gagnon, Christine Duarte, Barbara McCrum, Clifford Hoover, and David B Seder
Coordination of Inpatient and Outpatient Care for Neurology Patients Undergoing Epilepsy Monitoring, Sara Schrock, Michelle Beane, Kathryn Cope, Mark Parker, Suneela Nayak, Ruth Hanselman, Stephen Tyzik, Amy Sparks, and Brendan Lilley
Developing the Clinical Nurse Leader Survey Instrument: A Modified Delphi Study., Miriam Bender, Alice Avolio, Patricia Baker, James L Harris, Nancy Hilton, Lisle Hites, Linda Roussel, Bobbi Shirley, Patricia L Thomas, and Marjory Williams
Ethical Considerations of Medical Photography in the Management of Breast Disease., Toan T Nguyen, Lindi VanderWalde, Emily Bellavance, Thomas Eisenhauer, Tina Hieken, Nathalie Johnson, David I Kaufman, Jennifer O'Neill, Caitlin R Patten, Paige Teller, Sarah Tevis, Terry Sarantou, and Alyssa Throckmorton
FSH, Bone Mass, Body Fat, and Biological Aging., Mone Zaidi, Daria Lizneva, Se-Min Kim, Li Sun, Jameel Iqbal, Maria I New, Clifford J Rosen, and Tony Yuen
Impact of a Standardized Clinical Assessment and Management Plan (SCAMP®) on growth in infants with CHD., Russell C. Gongwer, Kimberlee Gauvreau, Susanna Y. Huh, Kevin A. Sztam, and Kathy J. Jenkins
Implementation of Coordinated Specialty Care in First-Episode Psychosis: Comparison of Functional Outcome Measures Between Diagnostic Subgroups., Robert Toscano, Sarah Lynch, Kristen Woodberry, Douglas R. Robbins, and Nate Fuller
Implementing Strategies to Reduce Central Line-Associated Blood Stream Infections on an Inpatient Pediatric Unit, Sherryann St. Pierre, Nicole Manchester, Jessica Howe, Melanie Lord, Mark Parker, Suneela Nayak, Ruth Hanselman, Stephen Tyzik, Amy Sparks, and Barbara Bush Children's Hospital
Improving Communication Between Child Life Services and Nursing on an Inpatient Pediatric Unit, Sherryann St. Pierre, Elizabeth Shaughnessy, Bethany Kay, Barbara Bush Children's Hospital, Mark Parker, Suneela Nayak, Ruth Hanselman, Stephen Tyzik, and Amy Sparks
Improving Revenue Capture and Patient Safety in an ICU Setting, Natasha Stankiewicz, Laura Lewis, Jonathan Archibald, Mark Parker, Suneela Nayak, Stephen Tyzik, Ruth Hanselman, and Amy Sparks
Improving Safe Handoffs & Transitions from the ED to Adult Inpatient: A Response to the AHRQ Hospital Patient Safety Culture Survey, Natalie Talbot, Joanne Chapman, Rhonda DiPhilippo, Gail Savage, Michele Higgins, Nancijean Goudey, Lori Sweatt, Erin Graydon Baker, Joseph East, Stephen Tyzik, Suneela Nayak, Mark Parker, Ruth Hanselman, and Amy Sparks
Improving the Management of Nationwide Drug and IV Bag Shortages, Stephen Tyzik, Mark Parker, Suneela Nayak, Ruth Hanselman, and Amy Sparks
Increasing Bedside Medication Safety in an Intensive Care Setting, Natasha Stankiewicz, Jonathan Archibald, SCU 2, Mark Parker, Stephen Tyzik, Suneela Nayak, Ruth Hanselman, and Amy Sparks
Interprofessional Engagement in Lean Improvement in an Academic Healthcare Organization, Mark Parker, Suneela Nayak, Stephen Tyzik, Ruth Hanselman, Amy Sparks, and Linda Simonsen
Maternal intake of pesticide residues from fruits and vegetables in relation to fetal growth., Yu-Han Chiu, Paige L Williams, Matthew W Gillman, Russ Hauser, Sheryl L Rifas-Shiman, Andrea Bellavia, Abby F Fleisch, Emily Oken, and Jorge E Chavarro
Menopause and Risk of Kidney Stones., Megan Prochaska, Eric N Taylor, and Gary Curhan