Submissions from 2018
Increased aggression and lack of maternal behavior in Dio3-deficient mice are associated with abnormalities in oxytocin and vasopressin systems., J P Stohn, M E Martinez, M Zafer, D López-Espíndola, L M Keyes, and A Hernandez
Interleukin-6 Interweaves the Bone Marrow Microenvironment, Bone Loss, and Multiple Myeloma., Danielle Harmer, Carolyne Falank, and Michaela R Reagan
Intern as patient: a patient experience simulation to cultivate empathy in emergency medicine residents., Sara W. Nelson, Carl A. Germann, Casey Z. MacVane, Rebecca B. Bloch, Timothy S. Fallon, and Tania D. Strout
Maine Medical Center Research Institute: 2018 Year in Review, Maine Medical Center Research Institute
New anthropometric classification scheme of preoperative nutritional status in children: a retrospective observational cohort study., Anne Stey, Joni Ricks-Oddie, Sheila Innis, Shawn J Rangel, R Lawrence Moss, Bruce L Hall, Albert Dibbins, and Erik D Skarsgard
New Bone Cell Type Identified as Driver of Drug Resistance in Multiple Myeloma: The Bone Marrow Adipocyte, Carolyne Falank, Heather Fairfield, Mariah Farrell, and Michaela Reagan
New Persistent Opioid Use After Minor and Major Surgical Procedures in U.S. Adults., Jean C. Hostage
Phenylephrine infusion impact on surgical site infections after lower extremity bypass surgery., Craig Curry, Jens Eldrup-Jorgensen, Janelle Richard, Michele C Siciliano, and Wendy Craig
Prenatal Exposure to Traffic Pollution and Childhood Body Mass Index Trajectory., Abby F Fleisch, Izzuddin M Aris, Sheryl L Rifas-Shiman, Brent A Coull, Heike Luttmann-Gibson, Petros Koutrakis, Joel D Schwartz, Itai Kloog, Diane R Gold, and Emily Oken
Procedure-based postoperative risk prediction using NSQIP data., David E Clark, Timothy L Fitzgerald, and Albert W Dibbins
Prostate cancer screening in early Medicaid expansion states., Jesse D Sammon, Emily C Serrell, Patrick Karabon, Jeffrey J Leow, Firas Abdollah, Joel S Weissman, Paul K J Han, Moritz Hansen, Mani Menon, and Quoc-Dien Trinh
Reduced serum IGF-1 associated with hepatic osteodystrophy Is a main determinant of low cortical but not trabecular bone mass., Zhongbo Liu, Tianzhen Han, Haim Werner, Clifford J. Rosen, Mitchell B Schaffler, and Shoshana Yakar
Shoulder Pain - Builder with Chronic Calcifications: 567 May 30 2:00 PM - 2:20 PM...ACSM 2018, American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, May 29-June 2, 2018, Minneapolis, MN, USA., Lauren Nadkarni, Krystian Bigosinski, and Heather Gillespie MD
Shoulder - Why So Weak? - Track And Field: 2133 June 1 10:10 AM - 10:30 AM...ACSM 2018, American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, May 29-June 2, 2018, Minneapolis, MN, USA., William L. Patterson
Soluble and Cell-Cell-Mediated Drivers of Proteasome Inhibitor Resistance in Multiple Myeloma., Mariah L Farrell and Michaela R Reagan
Stroke Mortality in Kenya's Public Tertiary Hospitals: A Prospective Facility-Based Study., Lydia Kaduka, Erastus Muniu, Chrispine Oduor, Jane Mbui, Robai Gakunga, Judith Kwasa, Sylvanus Wabwire, Nathan Okerosi, Anne Korir, and Scot Remick
Successful rebuilding after disaster, even in the heart, starts with infrastructure., Michael P. Robich, Sergey Ryzhov, and Douglas B. Sawyer
Thyroid hormone role and economy in the developing testis., Arturo Hernandez
Treatment With a Ghrelin Agonist in Outpatient Women With Anorexia Nervosa: A Randomized Clinical Trial., Pouneh K Fazeli, Elizabeth A Lawson, Alexander T Faje, Kamryn T Eddy, Hang Lee, Fred T Fiedorek, Anne Breggia, Ildiko M Gaal, Rebecca DeSanti, and Anne Klibanski
Use of ceftolozane-tazobactam in a cystic fibrosis patient with multidrug-resistant pseudomonas infection and renal insufficiency., Katie Stokem, Jonathan B Zuckerman, David P Nicolau, Minkey Wungwattana, and Edmund H Sears
Using controlled substance receipt patterns to predict prescription overdose death., Christina T. Holt, Kenneth L. McCall, Gary Cattabriga, Chunhao Tu, Elenna K. Smalley, and Stephanie D. Nichols
Variation in the use of active surveillance for low-risk prostate cancer., Björn Löppenberg, David F Friedlander, Anna Krasnova, Andrew Tam, Jeffrey J Leow, Paul L Nguyen, Hawa Barry, Stuart R Lipsitz, Mani Menon, Firas Abdollah, Jesse D. Sammon, Maxine Sun, Toni K Choueiri, Adam S Kibel, and Quoc-Dien Trinh
Variations in institutional review board processes and consent requirements for trauma research: an EAST multicenter survey., Jeffry Nahmias, Areg Grigorian, Scott Brakenridge, Randeep S Jawa, Daniel N Holena, John Varujan Agapian, Brandon Bruns, Paul J Chestovich, Bruce Chung, Jonathan Nguyen, Carl I Schulman, Kristan Staudenmayer, Rachel Dixon, Jason W Smith, Andrew C Bernard, and Jose L Pascual
Visual art in medical education, Kimberly Dao
What's next for acute heart failure research?, Sean P Collins, Phillip D Levy, Gregory J Fermann, Michael M Givertz, Jennifer M Martindale, Peter S Pang, Alan B Storrow, Deborah D Diercks, G Michael Felker, Gregg C Fonarow, David J Lanfear, Daniel J Lenihan, JoAnn M Lindenfeld, W Frank Peacock, Douglas M. Sawyer, John R Teerlink, and Javed Butler
Submissions from 2017
Data Cleaning in the Evaluation of a Multi-Site Intervention Project., Gavin Welch, Friedrich von Recklinghausen, Andreas Taenzer, Lucy Savitz, and Lisa Weiss
Interhospital transfer before thrombectomy is associated with delayed treatment and worse outcome in the STRATIS registry (systematic evaluation of patients treated with neurothrombectomy devices for acute ischemic stroke)., Michael T Froehler, Jeffrey L Saver, Osama O Zaidat, Reza Jahan, Mohammad Ali Aziz-Sultan, Richard P Klucznik, Diogo C Haussen, Frank R Hellinger, Dileep R Yavagal, Tom L Yao, David S Liebeskind, Ashutosh P Jadhav, Rishi Gupta, Ameer E Hassan, Coleman O Martin, Hormozd Bozorgchami, Ritesh Kaushal, Raul G Nogueira, Ravi H Gandhi, Eric C Peterson, Shervin R Dashti, Curtis A Given, Brijesh P Mehta, Vivek Deshmukh, Sidney Starkman, Italo Linfante, Scott H McPherson, Peter Kvamme, Thomas J Grobelny, Muhammad S Hussain, Ike Thacker, Nirav Vora, Peng Roc Chen, Stephen J Monteith, Robert D. Ecker, Clemens M Schirmer, Eric Sauvageau, Alex Abou-Chebl, Colin P Derdeyn, Lucian Maidan, Aamir Badruddin, Adnan H Siddiqui, Travis M Dumont, Abdulnasser Alhajeri, M Asif Taqi, Khaled Asi, Jeffrey Carpenter, Alan Boulos, Gaurav Jindal, Ajit S Puri, Rohan Chitale, Eric M Deshaies, David H Robinson, David F Kallmes, Blaise W Baxter, Mouhammad A Jumaa, Peter Sunenshine, Aniel Majjhoo, Joey D English, Shuichi Suzuki, Richard D Fessler, Josser E Delgado Almandoz, Jerry C Martin, and Nils H Mueller-Kronast
A perspective on malignancy in the marrow., Michaela R Reagan, Jane B Lian, Clifford J Rosen, and Gary S Stein
A protocol for postoperative admission of elective craniotomy patients to a non-ICU or step-down setting., Jeffrey E Florman, Deborah Cushing, Lynne A Keller, and Anand I Rughani
A retrospective analysis comparing oral stepdown therapy for enterobacteriaceae bloodstream infections: fluoroquinolones versus beta-lactams., Nicholas J. Mercuro, Patricia Stogsdill, and Minkey Wungwattana
Chronic neuregulin-1β treatment mitigates the progression of postmyocardial infarction heart failure in the setting of Type 1 diabetes mellitus by suppressing myocardial apoptosis, fibrosis, and key oxidant-producing enzymes., Manisha Gupte, Hind Lal, Firdos Ahmad, Douglas B Sawyer, and Michael F Hill
Clinical pitfalls in misoprostol-based medical management of first-trimester induced and presumed spontaneous abortion., Joseph R. Wax, Kelley Conroy, Michael G. Pinette, Christian Litton, and Angelina Cartin
Cover image, volume 232, number 12, December 2017., Michaela R Reagan, Jane B Lian, Clifford J Rosen, and Gary S Stein
Critical shoulder angle is associated with full-thickness rotator cuff tears in patients with glenohumeral osteoarthritis., Matthew T Mantell, Ryan Nelson, Jeremiah T Lowe, Donald P Endrizzi, and Andrew Jawa
Desmoid tumours in children: when wait-and-see becomes wait-and-treat., Aaron Weiss and Douglas Hawkins
High early major complication rate after revision for mechanically assisted crevice corrosion in metal-on-polyethylene total hip arthroplasty., Brian J McGrory and Anna H Jorgensen
Low-dose prothrombin complex concentrate for warfarin-associated intracranial hemorrhage with INR less than 2.0., Wesley R Zemrak, Kathryn E Smith, Stephen S Rolfe, Teresa May, Robert L Trowbridge, Timothy L Hayes, Gene A Grindlinger, and David B Seder
No consensus for femoral head impaction technique in surgeon education materials from orthopedic implant manufacturers., Brian J. McGrory and Eric Ng
Pediatric patient-centered transitions from hospital to home: improving the discharge medication process., Leah A Mallory, Noah P Diminick, Jonathan P Bourque, Meredith R Bryden, Jessica L Miller, Nancy M Nystrom, Melanie R Lord, and Lorraine L McElwain
Prostacyclin Therapy for Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Evolves Again With the Development of an Implantable Delivery System., Joel A Wirth and Harold I Palevsky
Spontaneous mutation of Dock7 results in lower trabecular bone mass and impaired periosteal expansion in aged female Misty mice., Phuong T Le, Kathleen A Bishop, David E Maridas, Katherine J Motyl, Daniel J Brooks, Kenichi Nagano, Roland Baron, Mary L Bouxsein, and Clifford J Rosen
Standardization of care for pediatric perforated appendicitis improves outcomes., Yasmine Yousef, Fouad Youssef, Michael Homsy, Trish Dinh, Kartikey Pandya, Hayden Stagg, Robert Baird, Jean-Martin Laberge, Dan Poenaru, Pramod Puligandla, Kenneth Shaw, and Sherif Emil
Streptococcus suis meningitis can require a prolonged treatment course., Jean Dejace, Patrick Bagley, and Emily Wood
Structure and function of bone marrow adipocytes., Francisco José Albuquerque de Paula and Clifford J. Rosen
The evolution of uncertainty in second opinions about prostate cancer treatment., Marij A Hillen, Caitlin M Gutheil, Ellen M A Smets, Moritz Hansen, Terrence M Kungel, Tania D Strout, and Paul K J Han
The implementation of targeted temperature management: an evidence-based guideline from the Neurocritical Care Society., Lori Kennedy Madden, Michelle Hill, Teresa L May, Theresa Human, Mary McKenna Guanci, Judith Jacobi, Melissa V Moreda, and Neeraj Badjatia
The use of prostate specific antigen screening in purchased versus direct care settings: data from the TRICARE® military database., Alexander P Cole, Wei Jiang, Stuart R Lipsitz, Peter A Learn, Maxine Sun, Toni K Choueiri, Paul L Nguyen, Adam S Kibel, Mani Menon, Jesse D Sammon, Tracey Koehlmoos, Adil Haider, and Quoc-Dien Trinh
Tumor Treating Fields (TTFields)—A Novel Cancer Treatment Modality: Translating Preclinical Evidence and Engineering Into a Survival Benefit with Delayed Decline in Quality of Life., R Stupp, M Taphoorn, L Driven, S Taillibert, J Honnorat, T C. Chen, J Sroubek, S H. Paek, J B. Escuder, J Easwa, C David, C Kim, R Desai, A Olivi, Y Kew, A Hottinger, M E. Hegi, E Kirson, G Lavy-Shahaf, and Z Ram
Unsaturation level decreased in bone marrow fat of postmenopausal women with low bone density using high resolution magic angle spinning (HRMAS)., Xiaojuan Li, Keerthi Shet, Kaipin Xu, Juan Pablo Rodríguez, Ana María Pino, John Kurhanewicz, Ann Schwartz, and Clifford J Rosen
Variation in locoregional prostate cancer care and treatment trends at commission on cancer designated facilities: a national cancer data base analysis 2004 to 2013., Björn Löppenberg, Akshay Sood, Deepansh Dalela, Patrick Karabon, Jesse D Sammon, Malte W Vetterlein, Joachim Noldus, James O Peabody, Quoc-Dien Trinh, Mani Menon, and Firas Abdollah
Cefepime-induced neurotoxicity: a systematic review., Lauren E Payne, David J Gagnon, Richard R Riker, David B Seder, Elizabeth K Glisic, Jane G Morris, and Gilles L Fraser
Management of arthropod pathogen vectors in North America: minimizing adverse effects on pollinators., Howard S Ginsberg, Timothy A Bargar, Michelle L Hladik, and Charles Lubelczyk
A three-talk model for shared decision making: multistage consultation process., Glyn Elwyn, Marie Anne Durand, Julia Song, Johanna Aarts, Paul J Barr, Zackary Berger, Nan Cochran, Dominick Frosch, Dariusz Galasiński, Pål Gulbrandsen, Paul K J Han, Martin Härter, Paul Kinnersley, Amy Lloyd, Manish Mishra, Lilisbeth Perestelo-Perez, Isabelle Scholl, Kounosuke Tomori, Lyndal Trevena, Holly O Witteman, and Trudy Van der Weijden
A pragmatic randomized controlled trial examining the impact of the Retzius-sparing approach on early urinary continence recovery after robot-assisted radical prostatectomy., Deepansh Dalela, Wooju Jeong, Madhu-Ashni Prasad, Akshay Sood, Firas Abdollah, Mireya Diaz, Patrick Karabon, Jesse Sammon, Marcus Jamil, Brad Baize, Andrea Simone, and Mani Menon
Clinical reasoning education at US medical schools: results from a national survey of internal medicine clerkship directors., Joseph Rencic, Robert L Trowbridge, Mark Fagan, Karen Szauter, and Steven Durning
Comparison of QSOFA score and SIRS criteria as screening mechanisms for emergency department sepsis., Samir Haydar, Matthew Spanier, Patricia Weems, Samantha Wood, and Tania Strout
Impact of non-medical out-of-pocket expenses on families of children with cerebral palsy following orthopaedic surgery., Judith A Vessey, Rachel L DiFazio, Tania D Strout, and Brian D Snyder
Knowledge impact of a US-based tobacco prevention curriculum among Tanzanian children., Paige St Germain, Frances L. Lucas, Miriam J. Williams Wilson, Bertha Tsingay A Maegga, and Susan Miesfeldt
New insights into fuel choices of nephron progenitor cells., Leif Oxburgh and Clifford J Rosen
Novel nomogram combining depth of invasion and size can accurately predict the risk for regional nodal metastases for appendiceal neuroendocrine tumors (A-NET)., Catalina Mosquera, Timothy L Fitzgerald, Haily Vora, and Marysia Grzybowski
Safety and efficacy of glycerol phenylbutyrate for management of urea cycle disorders in patients aged 2 months to 2 years., Susan A Berry, Nicola Longo, George A Diaz, Shawn E McCandless, Wendy E. Smith, Cary O Harding, Roberto Zori, Can Ficicioglu, Uta Lichter-Konecki, Beth Robinson, and Jerry Vockley
Safety Bar Compliance on Ski Lifts: Factors of Age and Lift Bar Type Impact Risk Taking Behavior., Luciano A Ciraulo, Nicolas A Ciraulo, and David L Ciraulo
Targeting pioglitazone hydrochloride therapy after stroke or transient ischemic attack according to pretreatment risk for stroke or myocardial infarction., Walter N Kernan, Catherine M Viscoli, Jennifer L Dearborn, David M Kent, Robin Conwit, Pierre Fayad, Karen L Furie, Mark Gorman, Peter D Guarino, Silvio E Inzucchi, Amber Stuart, and Lawrence H Young
The Art of Parenting at Night...Price, A. M., Wake, M., Ukoumunne, O. C., & Hiscock, H. (2012). Five-year follow-up of harms and benefi ts of behavioral infant sleep intervention: Randomized trial. Pediatrics, 130 (4), 643-651. doi:10.1542/ peds.2011-3467, Jessica Begley and Kelley Bowden
The impact of an electronic best practice advisory on brain computed tomography ordering in an academic emergency department., Donald Szlosek, Samir A Haydar, Rachel J Williams, Ryan C Jackson, Christine L Hein, Nathan Mick, and Tania D Strout
The Impact of the Cosurgeon Model on Bilateral Autologous Breast Reconstruction., Shantanu N Razdan, Hina J Panchal, Geoffrey E Hespe, Joseph J Disa, Colleen M McCarthy, Robert J Allen, Joseph H Dayan, Andrea Pusic, Babak Mehrara, Peter G Cordeiro, and Evan Matros
Visualization of Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease Co-Occurrence With Network Methods., Christine W Duarte, Volkhard Lindner, Sanjeev A Francis, and Dounya Schoormans
Woman with headache and neck swelling., Randy M Kring, Heidi M Goddard, Michael T Wilmot, and Casey Z MacVane
Does Use of Bilateral Internal Mammary Artery Grafting Reduce Long-Term Risk of Repeat Coronary Revascularization? A Multicenter Analysis., Alexander Iribarne, Joseph D Schmoker, David J Malenka, Bruce J Leavitt, Jock N McCullough, Paul W Weldner, Joseph P DeSimone, Benjamin M Westbrook, Reed D Quinn, John D Klemperer, Gerald L Sardella, Robert S Kramer, Elaine M Olmstead, and Anthony W DiScipio
What is the role of oral prostacyclin pathway medications in pulmonary arterial hypertension management?, Rama El Yafawi and Joel A Wirth
Smoking cessation and outcome after ischemic stroke or TIA., Katherine A Epstein, Catherine M Viscoli, J David Spence, Lawrence H Young, Silvio E Inzucchi, Mark Gorman, Brett Gerstenhaber, Peter D Guarino, Anand Dixit, Karen L Furie, and Walter N Kernan
Romosozumab - promising or practice changing?, Clifford J Rosen
The feedback tango: an integrative review and analysis of the content of the teacher-learner feedback exchange., Robert Bing-You, Kalli Varaklis, Victoria Hayes, Robert Trowbridge, Heather Kemp, and Dina McKelvy
Analysis of "never events" following adult cardiac surgical procedures in the United States., Michael P Robich, Brianna M Krafcik, Nishant K Shah, Alik Farber, Denis Rybin, and Jeffrey J Siracuse
An essential role for IGF2 in cartilage development and glucose metabolism during postnatal long bone growth., Tomoya Uchimura, Judith M Hollander, Daisy S Nakamura, Zhiyi Liu, Clifford J. Rosen, Irene Georgakoudi, and Li Zeng
A novel role for dopamine signaling in the pathogenesis of bone loss from the atypical antipsychotic drug risperidone in female mice., Katherine J Motyl, Megan Beauchemin, Deborah Barlow, Phuong T Le, Kenichi Nagano, Annika Treyball, Anisha Contractor, Roland Baron, Clifford J Rosen, and Karen L Houseknecht
Benefits and Consequences of Social Media: Talking to Youth About Their Social Media Habits., Erin L. Belfort
Bone marrow stroma and vascular contributions to myeloma bone homing., Michele Moschetta, Yawara Kawano, Antonio Sacco, Angelo Belotti, Rossella Ribolla, Marco Chiarini, Viviana Giustini, Diego Bertoli, Alessandra Sottini, Monica Valotti, Claudia Ghidini, Federico Serana, Michele Malagola, Luisa Imberti, Domenico Russo, Alessandro Montanelli, Giuseppe Rossi, Michaela R Reagan, Patricia Maiso, Bruno Paiva, Irene M Ghobrial, and Aldo M Roccaro
Dietary and lifestyle risk factors associated with incident kidney stones in men and women., Pietro Manuel Ferraro, Eric N Taylor, Giovanni Gambaro, and Gary C Curhan
Does pain reduction with oral steroids predict pain reduction after a first-time cervical epidural steroid injection in patients with cervical radicular pain? A pilot study., Dana G Crovo, Wendy Craig, Craig S Curry, Janelle M Richard, and James V Pisini
Dose-dependent and lasting influences of intranasal vasopressin on face processing in men., Daniel Price, Debra Burris, Anna Cloutier, Carol B Thompson, James K Rilling, and Richmond R Thompson
Energy metabolism of bone., Katherine J Motyl, Anyonya R Guntur, Adriana Lelis Carvalho, and Clifford J Rosen
Five-year trends of critical care practice and outcomes., Craig M Lilly, Sunil Swami, Xinggang Liu, Richard R Riker, and Omar Badawi
How long do I have? Observational study on communication about life expectancy with advanced cancer patients., I Henselmans, E M A Smets, P K J Han, H C J C de Haes, and H W M van Laarhoven
IGFBP4 is required for adipogenesis and influences the distribution of adipose depots., David E. Maridas, Victoria E. DeMambro, Phuong T. Le, Subburaman Mohan, and Clifford J. Rosen
Implementation of Coordinated Specialty Care for First Episode Psychosis in Maine, a State With Limited Resources: Lessons and Challenges in the Initial Two Years., Douglas R. Robbins and Sarah Lynch
Is feedback to medical learners associated with characteristics of improved patient care?, Victoria Hayes, Robert Bing-You, Kalli Varaklis, Robert Trowbridge, Heather Kemp, and Dina McKelvy
Media and Video Game Trends Across Development., Roslyn Gerwin
Metformin affects cortical bone mass and marrow adiposity in diet-induced obesity in male mice., Sheila Bornstein, Michele Moschetta, Yawara Kawano, Antonio Sacco, Daisy Huynh, Daniel Brooks, Salomon Manier, Heather Fairfield, Carolyne Falank, Aldo M Roccaro, Kenichi Nagano, Roland Baron, Mary Bouxein, Calvin Vary, Irene M Ghobrial, Clifford J Rosen, and Michaela R Reagan
Online Gaming and Romance., Roselyn Gerwin
Outcomes in Cardiac Arrest Vary by Center After Correction for Case Mix and Severity of Illness., Teresa May, Philip Stone, Gill Fraser, Richard Riker, and David Seder
Physiological Biomarkers for Prediction of Imminent Aggression in Minimally Verbal Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder., Diana Cumpanasoiu, Carla Mazefsky, Amy Stedman, Christine Peura, Peng Tian, Yuan Guo, Stratis Ioannidis, Deniz Erdogmus, Matthew Siegel, and M S. Goodwin
Postresuscitation Experience of Obese and Underweight Patients After Cardiac Arrest., Wendy Craig, Ilka Pinz, Barbara McCrum, Mariam Qazi, Teresa May, Richard Riker, and David Seder
Repurposing valproate, enteral clonidine, and phenobarbital for comfort in adult ICU patients: a literature review with practical considerations., David J Gagnon, Gabriel V Fontaine, Richard R Riker, and Gilles L Fraser
Same-session bilateral ureteroscopy: safety and outcomes., Johann P Ingimarsson, Marcelino Rivera, John J Knoedler, and Amy E Krambeck
Social Media Use for Good: Social Justice and Support for LGBTQ Youth., Erin L. Belfort
Specialized Inpatient Psychiatry Units for Youth With Autism and Serious Problem Behaviors: Treatment Model and Behavioral Outcomes., Kashi A. Pedersen, Susan L. Santangelo, Robin L. Gabriels, Giulia Righi, and Matthew Siegel
Text, Cut, and Post: How Adolescent Social Media Use Interacts With Self-Harm and Suicidal Behavior., Erin L. Belfort
The Developing Brain and Online Romance: Meet the Parents., Erin L. Belfort